Chapter 41

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Riley's POV

"No, maybe try to lift me up from the right, I think it looks better", I suggested Charlie.
We were working on mine and James's duet.
Okay now it was mine and Charlie's duet.

It was going...good I guess, but it wasn't like James's and mine.
As much as I didn't want to admit it, James and I had better chemistry than Charlie and I.
I don't know when James and I danced, it was so easy, so natural, so perfect.
"Okay, then let's try from the right", Charlie proposed.

James's POV

It was Friday and I was about to pick up my jacket, it was getting a bit cold.
I was about to enter the studio as I saw Riley and Charlie practicing our duet.
He was lifting Riley up and she was nodding.

She laughed about something and I instantly had to smile.
I decided to stay without jacket, turned around and walked back to Hidalgos.

I opened the door to my house and was greeted by my mom shouting:"James, finally, I was in your room and you still haven't packed your suitcase, could you please do it now?"
"Yes", I answered walking upstairs to my room.
I opened the door and walked over to my wardrobe.

After some minutes of packing my mom entered my room.
"Are you finished?"
"Nearly, mom I have a question, could we come back for vacations?, I mean it's still our house, so we always have a place to stay"
"I don't know James, let's just talk about it later", she said sighing.

"How is Riley?", My mom asked as I was about to pack a pair of pants, I stopped in my move and looked at the floor before answering:"I don't know really"
"Are you two not talking?", she asked carefully.
"More or less, it's just not smart to have a relationship, if we're moving in one week", I answered continuing with the packing.
"You miss her, don't you?"
"Yes, but I guess I have to accept her decisions", I answered trying to end the topic.

"James, I know..", my mom tried to say but I interrupted her:"Mom, I don't want to talk about it, okay, I need to pack"
"Okay", she walked out of my room and went downstairs, finally some peace.
I loved my mom, but it just hurt to talk about Riley, knowing that I couldn't change anything.

"Hey brother", Piper suddenly said entering my room and sitting on my bed looking at me.
"Hi", I said folding a T-Shirt and laying it in the suitcase.
"I might have heard your conversation with mom and I just want you to know, that you should fight for Riley", Piper told me.
"What do you think, have I tried the whole time, but it's useless, because we are moving anyways", I explained to her.

"It's never useless to fight for the person you love and you love Riley right?", Piper asked me.
I looked up and thought about, what she had said.
I spotted the picture that was still hanging on the wall above me, it was a picture of me and Riley hugging.
She was right, but I can't fight for her, because I don't want her to suffer, when I leave, she suffered enough.

"Yes I love her", I answered.
"Then go fight for her!", Piper commanded standing up.
"No, I love her and that's why I am not going to fight for her"
Piper looked disappointed at me and left the room.

Second chapter for today, if I have time I write a third, but I don't promise nothing.

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