Chapter 34

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Riley's POV

I arrived at the living room and the rest of A-Troupe besides Michelle was already seated on the couches and on the floor in front of the TV.

"Can we start the movie?", West asked me, walking towards the DVD-player.
"Yes", I answered.
I sat down next to James, who made space on the couch for me.

"I brought your jacket", James said giving me my jacket, that I had forgotten upstairs.
I took it and stood up putting it on.
I sat on the couch again and thanked him.

West was still fighting with the cables of the DVD-player as Michelle entered the living room and walked to the corner where the girls sat and started whispering something to them.
That's the reason I don't wanted to forgive her, because she didn't meant what she had said.

Suddenly the girls all stood up gave me a nasty look and left the living room.
This trip would be difficult.

James took my hand in his and gave it a little squeeze.
"It's better without them anyways", he told me.
I smiled.
"Yes", I confirmed.

"I got it", West cheered and turned to us.
"Ehm, where are all the other girls?", West asked confused.
Typical West, he never knows what happens around him.

We laughed.
He pressed play and sat on the couch.
Now we were only Max, Noah, Eldon, James and me in the living room, but just as James had said, it's better without them anyways.

The movie started and it was a scary movie of course.

I hated scary movies.
Every time I watched one, I would get nightmares for two months, but I didn't want to say that, I had already embarrassed myself with the chicken incident.

"Ri, maybe we shouldn't watch that, I remembered that you were afraid of horror movies", James whispered to me.
"No, I'm fine", I told him.
"Okay, if you say so", he said smiling.

The movie started and I was already afraid.
The background music started and it was that music that confirmed that this movie was going to be scary as hell.
I looked around for any pillows, that I could use as protection.

James's POV

Riley was trying to look to other directions to not get scared from the movie, but it wasn't working so well.
She looked kind of funny.

Suddenly a scary face appeared on the screen and Riley let out a squeal and hide behind the pillow that she had in her arms.
I stroked her hair and she quickly let go of the pillow and continued watching the movie.

But some seconds later it got to a so scary part that she jumped and the pillow flew away so she quickly jumped on my lap into my arms and buried her face on my T-Shirt.
I laid my arms around her and held her tight to me.
I knew this movie was a good idea.
"Is it over", Riley asked.
I looked to the TV screen.

She continued watching the movie but didn't get off my lap.
She knew that I had nothing against having her in my lap, that's why she probably stayed in my lap.
After some minutes and about four scary moments, the movie got even scarier and I could see that Riley was really really scared.
She was hiding with her face pressed against my chest right now.

"Riley, do you wanna skip the movie and go upstairs?", I asked her stroking her arm.
"Yes please", she said looking up to me.
I smiled and waited till she stood up and got up too.
"Where are you going?", Noah asked us looking up to us from the floor, where he was sitting.
I knew that Riley would be embarrassed if I said that she was scared of the movie, although everybody had noticed that anyway.
So I lied:"We are tired"
He nodded and Riley smiled to me, then I took her hand and went upstairs with her.

I walked her to her room and stopped in front of the door.
"I already talked with Miss Kate about the chicken incident, when you talked with Michelle and she put Stephanie and Michelle into room 5, so you have your room for yourself", I informed her.
"What, James you didn't have to do this"
"It's okay, she will talk with the girls tomorrow again", I added.

"Thanks, you are a really good friend", she said.
A friend really?I was just a friend to her, but that just proved to me that I had to work that much harder to get my Riley back.
"Goodnight", I said smiling to her.
She kissed my cheek and answered sweetly:"Goodnight".

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