Chapter 9

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Riley's POV

Today was the day.
The day that James would move to California.

James was packing the boxes in the truck.
I was standing on the sidewalk watching him.
"Do you want some help", I ask quietly.
"No", he said looking to me trying to smile.

After some minutes Emily came, she was going to drive us to the airport.
"Hey, are you finished?", she asked getting out of the car.
"Almost, I just need some boxes more", he answered.

Today he was going to leave me.
Maybe he was going to forget me and date another girl or maybe he wasn't returning anymore.
These thoughts made me cry immediately.
I walked fast to Emily's car to hide before James saw me cry.

I knew he was as unhappy as I was and I didn't need to make him sadder.

We were on the ride to the airport.
James's family was already there.
Emily was sitting in front of me and I was sitting beside James looking through the window.

James tried to hold my hand, but I took it away, if I had held his hand I would have definitely cried.
Some minutes later we arrived at the airport.

James POV

As we entered the airport, I just wanted to run back home.
I just wasn't ready to leave Toronto, to leave my life and I especially wasn't ready to leave Riley.

We have been so long in a relationship, that I didn't know what I did before our relationship started.
She was my girl, my family and my world.

She was walking behind me, I think she just couldn't face me right now.

It was the moment to say goodbye.
The whole A-Troupe was standing there.
Even after leaving The Next Step they were always there for me.
They were the people, I grown up with, my second family and they were very important to me.

"Man, I only knew you for three years, but it felt like I knew you my whole life, you are a nice friend", West said.
"James, you were my best friend, since you arrived at The Next Step, you knew all my secrets and helped me in all my relationship issues, and you know you can always count on me, bro's forever", Eldon said patting my back.

They had all said goodbye besides Riley, she was standing on the side watching me.
She took a step towards me and gave me a quick hug without saying nothing.

Then she stepped back and looked at the floor.
I didn't blame her, it was difficult to say goodbye.

I turned slowly around and walked in direction of the Check-In, I was leaving Riley, I thought we would never break up again after my mistake, but now we hadn't any choice.

"James", I heard Riley, I turned around and she ran into my arms.
She started sobbing into my shirt.
"Please, don't forget me", she said.
"Never", I said.
She smiled slightly and we kissed.
"I love you Riley", I said taking my arms from her.
"I love you too", she said.

I walked away to the Check-In and the last I heard was her crying desperately, but I didn't turn around, cause if I would I couldn't get on the plane.

I dedicate this chapter to
#JileyForever_love, because she voted my chapters like crazy and left many lovely comments , thank you♡.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter

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