Chapter 11

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Riley's POV

Emily was dragging me into the studio, I was a whole week at home crying, but even now I felt horrible.
The whole A-Troupe came to me and embraced me in a hug, but it didn't help, the only person I wanted to hug me was James.
"Riley your back, that's great, we have a competition in some months and we are deciding what we should present, I was thinking of your point solo", Miss Kate said approaching me.

"I don't feel very well with the solo", I said, the solo reminded me of James and it was too difficult to remember him.
"Oh don't be silly, let me see how far you are", she said showing to the middle of the room.
Emily waved a goodbye and exit Studio-A.
I walked to the middle and started dancing my solo.

I started remembering our first date, how nervous I was, how much effort he had taken to make a special date for me and our first kiss. Suddenly I realized that I was crying on the floor. Miss Kate came and helped me to get up.
We walked to her office, I sat on the chair and she sat in front of me. She gave me a tissue.
"Riley what's going on?", she asked me.I looked to the floor.

"It's because of James, isn't it?", she asked.
I looked up to her and nodded.
"Okay Riley, let's work on the solo later, okay?", she asked.
"Okay", I answered.

I walked into Hidalgos, there weren't many people just the usual customers.
I sat at one table.
The girls were at the mall shopping, but I didn't felt like shopping.
I ordered a cafe and looked around.

It was boring being alone, I guess I didn't know how much time I spent with James.
I took my mobile out of my pocket and dialed James's number, I knew that we made a deal, but I just needed to hear his voice.
Only the mailbox came.

That made me sad I thought, he would always be there for me, but I guess he has his own life and don't have time for me.
I decide to go for a walk.
It was a bit cold outside, but nothing to bad.
After some minutes it suddenly started raining.

I tried calling Emily, but I remembered, that she had broken her phone this morning.
And now I was getting super wet, several minutes from The Next Step away.
I just wanted to die, it felt as if I had no one who cares for me, they all had their own business to deal with.
I sat on a bench and started to cry, I was more alone than ever, the girls were shopping I didn't have a super friendship with the boys and James was in another country and hadn't even time to pick up his mobile.

Suddenly someone sat next to me, but I didn't look up.
"Hey, what's going on?", someone asked.
I looked up and saw Charlie watching me preoccupied.
"Nothing", I sniffed.
"Why are you sitting on a bench getting totally wet while crying", he asked, giving me his jacket.

I just looked down again.
"Come I drive you to your house and then you can tell me what is going on, okay?", he asked.
"Okay", I said walking beside him, to his car.
We drove in silence, now and then he would look at me with a reassuring smile.
It was friendly, that he drove me home, after I bail him without a word.

After some minutes we arrived at my house, I opened the door and we entered the house, where he waited at the living room while I changed my clothes.
Thereafter, I came down to the living room, where he was sitting on the couch and sat next to him.
"Do you want to tell me now, why you were crying", he asked carefully.

"I was crying, because James moved to California and sometimes I feel so alone, like nobody cares for me", I said looking to the carpet.
"I care for you", he said.
I looked up to him and smiled, I just needed someone that says that, Charlie cared for me, more than James.

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