Chapter 31

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Riley's POV

I had my suitcase by my side and we were all waiting for the bus.
Today was the day we were going to do the trip.
I was a little bit nervous, okay who was I kidding I was a wreck of nerves.
Finally, the bus arrived and we all rolled the suitcases to the back of the bus to lay them in the trunk.

Suddenly I heard Amanda and Cierra talking.
"Yes, she will probably be alone the whole time, but who cares she deserves it, she used to be my friend, but now she is just arrogant and childish", Cierra whispered to Amanda.
Now my trip was defiantly ruined.

Suddenly James came over to me.
"Should I put your suitcase in the trunk, Ri?", he asked me smiling.
"Yes, that would be nice", I answered still thinking about what I heard some seconds ago.
"Are you okay?", he asked me taking the suitcase from me.
"Yes, ehm.. I am going find a seat", I said walking quickly into the bus to skip the conversation.

I walked to the middle and sat on one of the seats on the window.
I would probably be alone the whole trip, so I should get used to it now.

James's POV

Why was Riley acting so weird?
I laid the suitcase in the trunk and went into the bus to see where Riley was.
But I couldn't find her until I spotted her sitting alone, looking thoughtful out of the window.

"Hey", I greeted her sitting on the seat next to her.
She turned around looking surprised.
"I am going to sit next to you, of course only if you want", I told her smiling.
She smiled and answered"Sure".

After some minutes the bus started driving and we were on our way to our trip.
I was happy to spend some time with my A-Troupe family we would probably have a good time together.

Riley was looking out of the window again.
I instantly took her hand in mine.
She turned to me, blushed, smiled, but didn't take her hand from mine, she just held it tighter.

The next half hour went just by with Riley looking out of the window and holding my hand, what I actually liked.
I loved to hold her hand, this feeling I got when I had her little hand in mine, I just couldn't describe it.

After some minutes I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder?
It was Riley's head, she was asleep on my shoulder.
I smiled, she was cute, when she was asleep.

All of sudden I heard Michelle and Cierra, who were two seats in front of us whispering:"James is the only one, that still cares for Riley, but I bet that even he will soon keep distance from this arrogant girl".
I was angry that they were telling such cruel lies and relieved that Riley was asleep and didn't have to hear this.

I removed her hair from her forehead.
She snuggled closer to me.
I would protect Riley from the Team.

Next chapter they will arrive at the house, I'm excited to write this chapter.
Anyways thank you for the comments on my last chapter❤️

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