Chapter 28

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James's POV

Charlie and I still stood in Studio-A surprised with Riley's reaction.
But I wasn't going to stand here without doing nothing.
I was going to apologize to Riley and I was going to be the first.

I started walking out of A-Troupe as Charlie asked:"Hey, where are you going?, she is my girlfriend!".
But I just ignored his question and started running.
I heard him running through the other door.
So I just ran faster.

I arrived at Hidalgos and looked around spotting Riley.
I calmed down my breath quickly and walked slowly up to her.
She was sitting on a chair and I sat in front of her.
"I'm sorry", I apologized to her.

She looked up to me.
"I know it was stupid", I added.
"You can hit me if you want?", I suggest to her.
And finally she smiled.

"Maybe, I am going to think about it", she said still smiling.
"Are we okay?", I asked her smiling.
"Yes we are", she said returning the smile.

Suddenly Charlie arrived at the table.
"I'm sorry Riley", he said.

I was first.
"It's okay, James has already apologized to me", she told him.
I smiled at him victorious and he just gave me an angry look.
Looks like I won

Riley's POV

I should be at The next step, but I didn't felt to great this morning.
I had a bad cold.
I wanted to go though, but Emily insisted that I should stay at home and get some rest.
So I was at home alone and bored.

Emily was with my parents out, buying a new desk for her room.
I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling.
Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly answer it.
"Hello?", I asked.
"Hi, it's James, why aren't you at the studio?", he asked.

"I'm at home, because I am sick", I told him playing with my blanket.
"Oh, what do you have?", he asked me preoccupied.
It made me smile that he cared so much about me.
"It's just a cold, nothing too bad", I reassured him.
"Should I come visiting you?", he asked me.
"No, I don't want to infect you", I told him.

"I am on my way", he said hanging up.
Was he coming now?
I had to smile, he was just so sweet to me.

The doorbell rang and I tried as quickly as possible to go down.
I opened the door.
"Hi", I said.
James smiled and said:"Hi, how are you feeling?", he asked me entering in the house.
"Okay, I guess"
We walked upstairs into my room.
I probably looked like a mess.

We sat on the edge of my bed.
"I have something for you", he told me taking out a pack of tissues of his jacket pocket, and gave me them.
"Thank you, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here, I could infect you", I insisted.
As much as I liked to have his company, I don't wanted him to get ill too.

He smiled and said:"Don't even worry about it"
Once he said that, I felt a pain in my chest, I noticed how much I really missed him.
I didn't want to lose him again, I wasn't ready for it.

James's POV

Riley was suddenly staring at the wall, it reminded me of the day I confessed her that I was moving to California.
"Riley are you okay?", I asked her preoccupied.
She kept staring at the wall.

"Should I get you maybe a glass of water?", I asked even more preoccupied.
What was going on one moment she was okay and now she was looking like she was going to die.
"Riley?", I asked, carefully touching her arm.
I was getting really worried.

Suddenly she hugged me, but it wasn't a normal hug.
She was holding me very tight, as if she had fear that I would get up and never come back.
I laid my arms around her and stroked her back.
I hold her as tight as it was possible, she rested her head on my shoulder and I kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to talk?", I whispered in her ear.
"No", she said quietly.
"Okay", I said still stroking her back.

Suddenly she started sobbing.
"Riley", I said trying to soothe her.
"I'm sorry", she apologized.
"It's okay", I told her.

We stayed like this for about twenty minutes, but I don't minded.
After she had calmed down, she laid in bed and I covered her with the blanket and she fell asleep.
She needed some rest, so I walked down to the living room, I don't wanted to let her alone so I waited till Emily came through the door.

"Oh, James, what are you doing here?", she asked me carrying a big box.
"I stayed a bit with Riley, but she fell asleep, but I don't wanted to let her alone", I told her.
She placed the box on the floor and smiled at me.

"You still like her, don't you?", she asked me.
"Yes", I answered.
"I have to go home, my mum already text me like hundred times", I said standing up.
"Okay, bye", she said.
"Bye", I said closing the door.
Hopefully, Riley would get better soon.

This was a long chapter, so I hope that you like it.

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