Chapter 40

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Riley's POV

After a long and exhausting bus drive we finally arrived at the Studio.
We took our suitcases and I hurried on purpose, to not see James.
The Team went up, but I just waited outside for Emily to come and pick me up.

"Do you want a drive home?", James suddenly asked walking towards me with his suitcase.
"No thanks, Emily is on the way", I answered looking on the floor.
He nodded and went up.
It was strange, but it was better this way.

After ten minutes I saw Emily's car parking next to me.
"Hi sis, jump in", Emily said whilst opening the window.
I nodded went to the trunk laid my suitcase in and walked to the other side, where I sat on the passenger seat and closed the car door.
"And?", Emily asked excited.

"And what?", I asked her looking out of the window, watching a bird jump on a bough.
"What's up Riley, what happened?", Emily asked.
"Nothing, could you just please start driving?", I asked her watching a second bird now, that was trying to stole the food from the first one.
"Sure", Emily answered starting the engine of the car and starting to drive.

Should I tell Charlie about what happened between me and James, I mean why , we wouldn't get together anyways.
I should just move on with my life.
"Was it James?, what did he do to you, if he hurt you Riley, I am going to kill him", Emily asked getting angry.

I turned around and yelled:"No James didn't do anything, he just did good things, he saved me before some drugs addict could kiss me, he protected me from the team, he comforted me, when the girls put a chicken in my bedroom, and do you know what I did?"
Emily opened her mouth, but I knew she wasn't going to say something.
She turned around and faced the street waiting for my answer.

"I broke up with him, because he is moving back and the worst part was that I yelled at him, although it wasn't his fault, but regardless of that he asked me a little while ago if he should take me home", I answered starting to cry.
Emily looked at me and parked the car.
"Riley", she tried to comfort me turning off the engine.

"He was so sweet to me and even after I treated him like shit he just protected and comforted me, I didn't deserve him", I cried even louder.
Emily turned a little in her seat and looked sad at me.
"Riley it's not your fault, you were just mad, because he is moving and he knows that", she tried to comfort me.
"No, it's my fault, but whatever, he is moving anyways", I said wiping away my tears and staring out of the window again trying to calm my breath down.
Emily finally started the engine again and drove on the road.

After some time we arrived home, I quickly opened my door and walked inside.
I walked as fast as possible upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom.
Inside my bedroom, I just jumped on my bed and took a pillow pressing it against my face and started to cry.

I just felt so weak, I just wanted James to be here, to hold me like he did after he found me on the trip.
I wanted to hear his voice, to feel his breath tickling my neck, to hold his hand, to just be with him.

Suddenly I remembered, the show we were competing was next week on a Thursday and today was also Thursday, that meant that James wasn't going to compete with me, because he was moving back to California on this day.
I quickly wiped away my tears and called James.
He answered instantly.

"Riley?", he asked.
"Yes, James you can't move on Thursday, we have a competition and you are my duet partner", I told him.
"I know, but I already told Miss Kate and she said that I could choose a substitute, so I chose Charlie, she was a bit confused, because he isn't in A-Troupe, but I convinced her, because I knew, that you would feel comfortable with him", he told me.
"Oh, yeah, you're right, thank you"I stammered.

"It's okay, I guess I see you tomorrow"
"Yes, bye", I said hanging up.

Little not really important chapter, more a filler than a chapter, but oh well, hope you enjoyed it and don't be so mad about the break up

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