Wrapping it up

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The last two hours consisted of kicking, pushing, tackling, absorbing blows, and all the physical extremities one can take. There were no 'one to one' combats (not yet, I believe) , but I'm totally fine with that because I'm sure if someone just, huffed at my face, I'll crumble on the floor. It hurts and it feels good.

And I am running again.

Not really sure about the benefits of running in this whole 'situation' , maybe its for enhancing our physical capacities, but let me tell you one thing about my physical capacities; I can't breathe anymore.

I have been going 30 mph for the past half an hour , faster than the fastest human in the world, yes, but I'm only considered 'fast' in the werewolf world. My eyes are burning, with chilly slight tears collapsing out of them, my breath is hatched, my blood is boiling in my veins, but I'm still on the go, thanks to Mitch, who is escorting me and a few others while riding his Aprilia Tuono V 4 R, keeping our speed average as high as possible and howling commands with ease (with ease, of course, he isn't running after all.) Alice and Tiffany pulled out like, 10 minutes ago, and I'm actually starting to think that they have more in common than they'd like to admit.

Now, as for why I know so much about bikes and cars and cussing. Being a child who's company was guards that dont talk about anything but rides and women and booze for three years did effect me. Deeply. I had to learn from them, sometimes even talk to them, they were the one of the few things that connected my with the outer world.

I can't stop, of course, its just rude, so, I gasp some oxygen in, and try to divert myself from the pain in my muscles, it was really easy though, my brain is empty. Literally. I start daydreaming to fill the hollow mined of mine.

after, well two to five minutes of thoughts that I'm too embarrassed to admit at the moment. it occurred to me, it crashed me, it ate me, changed me, scared me. Eureka. It was so sudden I felt like I was being pulled into a whole, like the ground cracked up and sucked me straight down for being so stupid. So naive.

What am I doing here?

What are we all doing here?

how was I so stupid, so foolish?

My lungs, my muscles, my everything contracted into a stop. I widened my eyes then closed, pulled on my loose bun.

how was I so stupid?

So foolish?

Taken aback by my actions, Mitch pulled his motorcycle to a stop, and everyone took advantage of that and stopped as well.

"Luna, are you okay?" He asked. The words reached me sounding vague, disoriented, barely audible if compared to the thoughts in my head- or is it Scarlet. I can't tell anymore.

"Are you okay?" he repeats one more time, dismounting his motorbike, the colors mush together and he's just a red shirt with blonde hair.

"Yeah, sure- I'll be back in a moment" I lied. There will be no going back, I'm going to end this utter nonsense.

I took off to the opposing direction of my previous one, going faster than before, for now, for once, motivated.

it took me twenty minutes to go back to the training quarters. I just take a moment to admire the fact that it took me less time to come back. after my mere second of triumph was over, I rushed into the gym, my vision blurred. brown floor, lots of heads, gadgets, shoes, blood.

The door.

I ran towards it, pushing instead of pulling like an idiot, then I paused, pulled, and all is good. I am about to reach Luke. I am about to set things straight.

Let's wrap this shit up.

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