It Is The End.

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This chapter is dedicated to mrs_Penguin_07 and love_is_everywhere for their amazing support. Lobe u both. ♥♥♥

Plz follow them and check their books out, they aee awsome.

Harry is here.

He is here.

And my slightly peaceful life is gone.

I've lost it all.

I stare into emptiness. It is supposed to be Will's terrified face but I see nothing but a blemished image of, nothing, nothing in particular. Am I staring at my soul?

"Sea, Cinnyris!" Luke says as he shakes me, waking me up of my, undifined state into reality. "Will take the all the women and children to the hideouts, and assign gaurds for them." He commands. "Adam, you will come with me and I will call the men of the pack." He continues. Will hurriedly carries Venice and Alice follows him but I seem to be uncapable of moving.

Luke sets both of his warm hands on my shoulder, his grip tight.
"Cinnyris look at me." He says and I slowly raise my head up, allowing my eyes to engage his grey ones. "Cinnyris, it's going to be okay, everything will be fine. I love you. And nobody is capable from taking this away." He says gently. I gaze at his marvelous eyes and see the spark of life in them, of love, and this is all I want.
"I am coming with you." This time, it is me who says it, sith a desperate tone. He looks at me with panick in his eyes.

"No-" he starts but he is cut by me when I place my thumb on his lips, stopping the flow of his painful words. "I am coming, and you are not stopping me." I say with a calm steady voice. He stares at me, showing disapproval, but I stare back, looking as stubborn but then I realize this isn't going to work with him. I widen my slightly slanted yet fairly sized eyes in insistence, and he sighs, giving up.

"Okay, but you are not allowed to fight. And don't move away from me." He commands with a low voice, tiredness has already got him. I entwine my hand with his, sending these tingles that slightly burn but cooly, they feel lovely all the time thoguh. It is addicting, and I am not planning on leaving him right now. Harry and Amarok, the took so much out of my life, to the point that they took it all. And I am not giving up on what is my right anymore. But that doesn't mean that I am not scared.

Will comes back, out of breath and assures us that everyone is safe in the hideout. I take in a deep breath then walk out with Luke next to me and Adam and Will at my back. It is time to face one of my most hated nightmares, Harry.

My hand never leaves Luke's as we stroll deeper into the woods. I feel Luke's hand tighten on mine and I realize he is talking on his mind link, probably calling the pack fighters. As we go deeper I can her the slow, husky breathes and bearly audible heartbeats, since they are still a little far.

We keep walking until we see them, and they are not so many, probably twenty. Apparently, Harry doesn't want war today, and I think I know why, that bastard.

We stop when there are a rough 20 meters between us and I can hear our warriors at the back. They're steps, breathes and even their howls are in complete harmony. They walk in pride, when their paws hit the floor they roar like thunder in strength and durability. I can feel the power radiating around me, until my eyes meet Harry's.

I stare at those icy blue eyes and I shiver in fear and hd smirks evily. just looking at his eyes brings back memories of my terrible past. Of him, whipping me with the merciless silver continually, untill his hands grew tired. And after that, I'd get ten to twenty more lashes from a different person. There is no drug to calm me when they do that. I pass out on my one.

I grip tightly on Luke's hand, until my knuckles grow white. He seems to notice how tense I am and he squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Greetings Alpha, I am Harry Gray,the beta and temporary Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. And I am the temporary Alpha because you've kidnapped our Alpha, and we demand you to return her now." Harry says, his tone is sloppy and cold, he even looks bored and slightly amused. I can feel Luke shake in anger but he manages to control his temper.

"I am Luke, the Alpha of the Andkin pack. I refuse to return you're Alpha since she is rightfully my Luna. We are mates." Luke growls at him.

"Oh but you know the rules, Alpha. No mark, no deal." Harry says slyly, staring at my neck with an evil smile playing on his lips. And he said nothing but the truth. As long as I am noy marked, I am still their Alpha.

"I will mark her soon, she is mine and this I will not discuss this any further. Leave my territory, or there will be consequences." Luke says.

I am about to speak but Adam puts his hand on my back. Don't I have a saying in this? They're fighting because of me and I don't even get to utter a word.

"Fine then, but she is still ours since this is how the rules go. You've brought this on yourself Alpha, because the next time I'll come. I'll come with an army. You started a war, a really serious war. And it will be either you or us." Harry shouts.

"How dare you threaten me on my own land?" Luke growls loudly, his eyes darkening. Harry smiles cooly then lowers his head in fake submission then leaves, followed by his few fighters. Our fighters howl loudly, obviously sending fear into their heart since their heartbeat rate get much faster. All but Harry's, who lightly chuckles, before he leaves me stunned in my place, numb, terrified.

Because he started nothing but a war.

It is either us or them.

It is the end.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I was actually trying to figure out what to write, it never took me so long to figure out what to write but I think I got it all figured out. The next update is coming soon.So until then.


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