An Open Invitation.

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As I walk in, I ignore the pack member's stares and pointless comments. All of which I'm used to, all of which I hate. Eyes of the members rest on me uneasily, pretty girls in summer dresses and light cardigans , boys in hoodies, kids and couples of all ages, they all stop to stare at the rogue whose scent they caught with their noses. Some stares linger, and some choose to ignore me .a certain woman in a red polo shirt shoots a sympathetic smile, i don't smile back.

I follow Will through a numerous number of mahogany stairs and hallways with the prettiest wall paper in the color of mocha all flattered with various painting, vases and pretty statues of nameless ancients. we reach a door and Will stops. The dim yellow lighting added to the comfy resort vibe the place radiates. I confront the door panting, a good quarter of an hour navigating this huge area finished me off, my adrenaline is dimming. I fix my sleeping sister's position between my hands carefully once more as I read the words "Main Office" Printed softly on the wooden door . My face clenches and my stomach declares its unease by making me nauseous.

I don't want him to know my past. I don't want him to call my old pack. I'll be screwed.

As if sensing my  anxiety, Will gives me a reassuring smile. I gratefully smile back, he is such a nice guy, and he even carried my bag. I try to stand tall as he opens the door. The knob twists and the door clicks. It swings, the office has a different lighting, relative to white florescent, but a bit dimmer.

It only took a moment.

The most intoxicating, beautiful aroma I have ever smelled. Dizziness blooms inside me, and certain points in my head throb with pleasure. Surreal, it all was too surreal, I'm sill not okay, but now it's different.


My wide, sort of goo goo eyes meet his stunning grey ones... So grey and silver you can lose the track of time staring at them, they're so soft, so warm and deep and welcoming. An open invitation.

I can't breathe.

I wipe the slight hint of drool of the corner of my mouth real fast in hopes he won't notice it.

"Mate" He whispers in his impossibly seductive, velvety, sexy, volumous,  sleek voi- Snap out of it!!, I mentally scold myself, and Scarlett. I can hear her in my head, and it's pretty gross.

I am beyond terrified by the whole situation.

"Hello." I greet, unsure of what else i should say, the word is slurred, heavy, I could feel my tongue breaking under the weight of it. He seems to be taken aback, the answer comes out polite, smooth as steel "Hello."

Even though his words weren't much, I was already craving to accept his inviting eyes, his soft lips, his smooth black hair, each strand looking like silk. As black as a murky night. I devoured him with my eyes. And this isn't like me, this isn't who I am. I just- i know i shouldn't.

"What is your name?" He asks sweetly, his voice dissolving in the air like a spoonful of honey in warm milk, so sweet you can almost taste it. I just want to cry.

"Cinnyris Osea Collins" I answer in a decent manner, nevertheless.

"And what is her name?" He asks, pointing at my sister. "Venice Collins." I answer flatly this time, the more attempting he is, the harder I refuse to fall for him. It maybe my fear, It maybe my agony, it maybe my stubborn stubbornness. What ever the reason is, I'm grateful for it.

"Will, leave please." He orders, out of the blue. His eyes never fail to engage mine. My head snaps toward Will and I give him a pleading look. I don't want him to leave; he is the only one I know here.

And the idea of staying here alone, with my mate is simply, bad. He shrugs and gives me a it's-not-my-choice look then walks out of the office. I sigh; this is going to be fun.

His pushes his chair back, and I tense up. He notices that, and decides not to stand. He positions his hand under his chin, trying to figure me out. My eyes go down to my shoes. I'm so glad I slipped these on earlier, and I mentally thank Will.

"Why are you acting like this?" he asks, his inviting eyes questioning me, and i can't help but notice the hurt that glazes them. "Because, if you want to play hard to get I'll have to actually know a bit more a bout you. And I'm sure I'll have time for that." A smirk twists on his face, my eyes widen and my mouth opens. Now he looks amused.
"N-no, nothing like that! It's just- I just..." My embarrassed words turn to nervous breathing and my face is overshadowed with distress. I hold Venice with on hand then I pinch the bridge of my nose with the other. He instantly picks up on my distress.
"Cinnyris, is everything okay?" He questions, his body tense on his seat, yet he doesn't rise. his grey orbs are pinned on me, I cant tell if they are making me calm or more destressed. worry twists at the bottom of my stomach, like when I first turned into my wolf, and I was so hungry that I went on and swallowed a rock, unable to run around and hunt.

I slow my breathing on my own, using the tactic I'm most comfortable with. It takes a minute, he's watching me, but it isn't him that making me stressed.
'Now, more than ever, you have to talk, Cinnyris.' I state to myself, convincing myself that it is okay, that it's better that i found him sooner than later. Let it be over with, when I leave this place, there will be no string attached, Venice and I will finally be free, safe. I will never return.

Maybe you could get a hug first or something.. maybe it can wait Scarlett whispers in my head.

Fuck off  I whisper back.

ok soo this is chapter two. i know it's short but the next chapter is ready soo please don't hesitate to comment


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