He cares?

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"Have you heard that story? The story about the man who wished that he had the ability to turn everything into gold, and then his wish came true. And how all of his beloved ones turned into gold. Well, this isn't exactly what happened, the man didn't 'wish' for his abilities, he was cursed. And so am I" I start with my story. So good so far, and slightly dramatic for good measure. I don't think he'll get how bad is my curse though, not even after I'm done.

"My father was the alpha of the Blue Moon pack, beloved and respected by all for his generosity and kindness. He was in good terms with witches and they never attacked our pack. But, one day a witch crossed the limits. She asked my father to give her eight of the pack member as a sacrifice, no, more like a bribe, to keep the peace between both sides. My father refused and so did my pregnant mother. The witch, named Amarok, lost her temper and cursed the young child in my mother's stomach, she cursed me. My curse was the curse of gold; I got the ability of creating and using gold. But my powers are uncontrollable, and fatal."

I stopped, giving him time to let everything sink in, because, all he must be thinking is 'wow, so much for the get your mate and then everything follows' crap we've all heard as kids. I inhale deeply, and then continue, not allowing him to respond.
"My parents were terrified and worried sick because I was their only daughter at the time. I was young, dangerous, and at the same time I was in danger. They asked the witches they allied with for help. The curse was too strong to stop or to save my life, but one of them found a small solution, she gave me a special necklace, with five shapes carved on it. If I ever used my powers I will not die, but one of the shapes will fade away. The key have a sun carved in the middle, and that is why my parents called me Cinnyris Osea; the scientific name of the Palestinian sun bird."

A small, bitter smile crept it's way to my face, but I took it off real fast. I want to look serious.

I continued, after withdrawing a deep breath from the scented air of his office. "They gave me this name to make me feel special and free, just like a bird, although my usual day consisted of three hours with a specialized physiologist who taught me to control my temper and ease my mood swings.
I lived twelve years in peace, until one day, Amarok returned. She came back for her eight victims and she took them, my family. She killed my mother, father, my three brothers and their mates, leaving me and my three year old sister alive, it was a disaster."

A tear almost slipped from my eye, but I wiped away casually before Luke was able to notice it. I think I failed, I'm starting to wish I failed with the drooling scene instead. I do want his desire, not his pity, but you don't always get what you want. I carry with my story, nevertheless; I have been practicing it for forever . "I was sad, angry and terrified, but I couldn't let my emotions take over, I had to keep it together. But one day, a girl started making fun of me at school, and I honestly didn't mind it, it was something I could handle, but she mentioned my family and I couldn't take it, I was furious. I felt energy rush through my veins, I felt power. I looked at the girl it was - it was terrible. Golden specks were popping on every inch in her body, and they were growing in size. The one on her neck was growing larger, and she was suffocating, and I did nothing, I only stared in fright." I state slowly and with a shallow breath.

My eyes never met his; I'm just too weak, too stiff, and too dead from the inside. I am a murderer, I didn't even want to kill her, but I wanted to hurt her. I always wondered how her parents stuffed the golden corpse into a wooden coffin, how they buried her. They're not pretty thoughts, but I choose to believe that the guilt might redeem me.

"And right after I- she was dead, the first shape on my necklace disappeared." I speak slowly, showing him my necklace. He nods his head and he doesn't look at me with sympathy or disgust, he manages to maintain a serious face and I am grateful.

"My pack was in a state of fear and shock, they were all scared of me and of what I am capable of. The Beta of the pack threw me in jail and tortured me on daily basis for three horrible years." I took a moment to consider what I've said. 'daily basis' it sound too casual, at least to what I've been through.

My hand runs to the scars on my hand, I was whipped with silver, that is why the marks never faded. Luke growls loudly causing me to look at him, and even though it itches my heart and dignity to say that I flinched, but I did. To me flinching means your weak, weakness means the lack of the capability of surviving. I know that this sounds uncivilized, but it is all I know.

"When I turned fifteen, I shifted into my wolf, and my pack forgave me and accepted me and agreed that I should be the Luna now since I shifted, but the Beta wanted the pack for himself, so he decided to secretly kill me and my sister so that he gets the Alpha title. It would be easy, I am a sick girl, Venice is just a kid, mishaps happen, and no one would've asked questions and survived the action . my third in command found out, and didn't approve his plans, so he furtively set me free and he gave me a bag filled with supplies and a sleeping Venice so that we could escape, and I did. I ran for days until I crossed your territory, and I think that you know the rest..."

We stay in silence then I add awkwardly "sounds a lot like what they show on TV, right?" I mumble with my face tucked beneather Venice's curls.

I really hope he didn't hear that.

"He had no right to hurt you." He says with another one of his powerful growls. He cares?

"Yes he has the right, I am a murderer, and I am dangerous and that is why I have to say this..."

I breath in deeply, I don't want to do this, but I have to.

"I, Cinnyris Osea Collins reject you, Alpha Luke as my ma-"

btw Luke is the alpha and i should've mentioned that in chapter two, but i did a chp 2 before but is just disappeared sooo i had to repeat is chp again. so i hope that u all enjoyed this one!!.


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