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Cinnyris's pov.

Two days passed and I actually feel much better, but I rarely go out in public because of the horrified, disturbing, and dissapointed glances I get. Some of them are filled with pitty. And it disgusts me.

Luke comes in the room to check on me like he does every 3 to 4 hours. "How are you doing Sea?" He says, taking a seat by my side. He gave me this nickname using my second name, Osea. So he won't use the ones Adam and Alice use. He said that my name was given to me to make me feel special, and that calling me the same nicknames everyone use won't be nice since I was ment to be unique.

"Great ,just great. Trapping me in this lifeless room was an amazing idea Luke, who on earth would think of going out and staying in a hotel or something when they've got such a solitary room to take refuge in." I spit, my words dripping with sarcasm. He sighs and I cross my arms angrily.  "But I am here with you almost all the time." He says.

"Exactly! And why do you think I feel annoyed. I hate that you have to go and get on with your life, then stop for a second and say 'hey guys, I'm sorry, have to go and tend my lunatic Luna mate for now, we can carry on with this meeting in a while' "  I state, taking the pillow by my side and covering my face beneath it.

There is one way to explain my extreme mood swings is four words: I'm on my period. And when it hits a female werewolf, it hits hard, like real hard.

"But I don't say that , my dear lunatic Luna mate. I just leave and no one wonders why, they are all scared of my guns." He says, trying to cheer me. But what the hell? he keeps guns.

"Oh, come on now, the statement won't sound so nice unless you see my facial expressions.  Trust me, you won't regret it." He says, pulling the pillow out of my hand and off my scowling face.

He flexes his arms, showing me his so calld 'guns', Aka, his biceps.

Oh, no real guns. I'm disappointed.

"Oh, okay. Just leave and get me Alice."I need a feemale right now. He stares at me, looking hurt, but I give him a slight smile and a kiss, and he leaves afterward.

Alice comes in with God's gift to the mortals, a life essential,  a reason to live and love.

Nutella,  ladies and gentlemen (especially the ladies.) Nutella.

"Oh my God! I love you so much!" I yell then pull the sweet, sweet Paradise trapped in a jar out of her hand and dig in with the spoon she held with her other.

Apparently,  I'm good at disarming people.

"Aww, love you too." She says, sitting on the bed.

"Who said I was talking to you?" I joke. She slaps me on the back of the head and I wince. "OUCH!" I yell, rubbing that injured spot she decided to attack, again.

Yep, the pain in that area never left. "Sorry, but you kinda deserve it." She says, and I give her a glare. She laughs then leaves me in my rather disturbing state, and of course. My precious Nutella. I finish the intire jar then stare at the ceiling.

"Beto, belo, betatabato, tintinnino pest petach..." I  stupidly sing to my self, feeling bored to the extreme. I stare at the wall murmuring some incoherent words and then it hits me. I know what should I do for fun.

'Adam!' I yell through the family mind link.'
What do you want!' He wines. 'Can you get me paint?' I ask. 'Paint??'  He asks , shocked. 'Yes, paint I want blue, red, black, white, and  gold.' I order. 'Fine.' He groans. 'Women and their periods.' He murmurs. 'You can say that when you're out of my he'd you ass!' I yell.

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