No random person kills me.

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Cinnyris's pov.

The rest of the week smoothly pass by in the same routine. Me and Luke spend most of our time together, and I can't deny how charming and interesting he is, but this isn't cool with me. I am getting attached.

5 more days are left until my birthday, and I am honestly wondering why he decided to keep me until then, I mean it doesn't make sense. But l guess I'll find out when the time comes. Its Monday, again. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, do my business then put on my underwear ,bra, a huge maroon hoodie, a pair of black leggings and grey vans. I put my hair into a semi neat bun since I never mastered the messy bun thingy, and I don't think it would look good on me anyways.

I take Venice who recently started waking up with early with me then take her to Lucille. After that I go downstairs to have breakfast then leave with Alice.
"Oh my god Cinny, I totally forgot to tell you." Alice yells. "Forgot to tell me what?" I ask suspiciously.
"There will be a ball because some Alphas from Europe are visiting. And the ball's date is the same as your birthday. So you will be there. So we need to go shopping!!" she shrieks loudly. Taking away all the peace I enjoyed this morning.
"Okay then, shopping it is." I say with a sigh. "I don't know why do you want to leave Cinnyris, I'll miss you so much." Alice says sadly.
"I will miss you too. And I would've stayed if I had the choice, but I don't Alice. Trust me, bad thing will happen if I stayed." I say feeling sad. She nods her head and we ride to school in silence, she's obviously confused, and i don't try to sort things out for her.

Alice parks her car a little further from the parking and closer to the woods, because we are late, and the parking lot is full. Alice got her license because she is six months older than me. I walk before her, not willing to know how a new student, who happens to be a rogue will be treated if she's so late to class. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, a fierce arm punches my stomach, blowing all the air out of me.
Where did he come out from anyways?

I crouch on the floor but when this stranger swings again I dodge his punch, barely missing out. He tries to kick my shin when i rise back up but I move to the side causing his leg to hit the tree. Then I hear a piercing scream escaping Alice's lips. I turn around to her direction but then I feel this cold pinching pain in the back of my head. And instead of seeing Alice all I can see are colorful spots rapidly appearing then fading away, making me feel dizzy. My body turns numb and I fall on the floor but fight my best to not lose consciousness, one of the tricks I learned as Harry's most hated prisoner; never lose consciousness before you identify the person, or at least, know what they are planning to do to you. I hear nothing, only watch blurry figures moving around. I try to focus and identify them but I couldn't. My head throbs like crazy and I know that I can't take it anymore.

I close my eyes.

I wake up with a jolt and try to get up as a thousand unclear thoughts run through my head. "Cinnyris you're okay, you're okay. Calm down, everything is fine, calm down." Says a scary looking Luke. His eyes are puffy and a little teary, his usually soft black hair is as messy as ever. A beard is inching it's way out, and I must admit, It looks sexy.

What the hell?

"Where am I? What happened? Is Alice okay? And who on fucking earth were these people?!" I frantically ask, I shrivel and shake on my bed, tempted to swat off the covers and run around until things make sense to me, but I feel the lightness of what I'm wearing and my semi nudity, so I decide against it.
"You're in the hospital and you've been here for three days. You where knocked out with some sort of weapon. Alice is fine, we got both of you on time. And I have no idea of their identity, since they escaped, but If they touch you again I swear I'll-." He says, but then stops, only to look away then clutch his fists, turning his knuckles white.

I place my hand on his, trying to calm him down.
"Oh, relax. I'm fine, Alice is fine, and I had three days of school, things are just peachy." I state, voice hoarse but giddy. Cheer up matey you look like trash Scarlet concludes.
"I thought I lost you." He whispers, the sparkle in his eyes fade away at the mere thought.
"I am here." I say calmly cupping his cheek.
"And by the way, no random person kills me, take this as a fact." I state mischievously, trying to make him laugh. He chuckles then his lips brush mine, then take their place against my lips, fitting them perfectly, and because of my ultimate weakness and the lack of brain, I kiss him back. But back away quickly so that nothing happens. He presses his forehead against mine and I smile happily.

"CINNYRIS!" Venice, Alice Adam and Will's voices ring through the halls. Then my door is ajar, they all rush in. They pop out in the wrong time. I was enjoying my mate.

"Hey guys." I weakly say because of my dry throat. Venice jumps by my side then hugs me tightly. Followed by Alice and the boys. Alice's forehead is cut, and there are a number of bruises on her hands, otherwise she's fine. I smile as everyone keeps calling her Potter.
We chat for a while then the pack's doctor comes in. "You can leave today Cinnyris." She says.
"Oh thank God. Take these tubes out of my hands, please!" I beg. There is nothing more disturbing than IVs and this disgusting hospital shit they dressed me with. I mean, it is completely exposing. Even though I didn't see it, I can feel the bed sheet of the hospital bed against my very naked back. The doctor laughs with the rest then pulls them out.

"Alice, bring me something decent to wear." I whine. She runs out then comes back five minutes later.
" Close your eyes."I command before running to the bathroom, not really caring if she looks or not, I just want out. I change quickly then walk out, ignoring the pain in the back of my head.

And after an enormous fight with Luke , he carries a grumpy, angry version of myself to my room, thinking that I can't walk on my own. Thank goodness it's late and no one is out. Luke gently place me on my bed then kisses me on the cheek. "Good night." He whispers. "Good night." I whisper back. He walks to my door but then he hesitates for a mere moment. He obviously wants to stay, so I decide to let him.

"Hey Luke, why don't you stay with me. I know you won't sleep any other way. You worry too much." I say while curling on the bed and closing my eyes. I'm feeling too much fatigue for someone who just woke up.

I hear Luke walking then I feel his weight on the bed and my heart leaps for a second, so I talk to make my anxiousness go away.
"It is really no big deal, they probably just stole Alice's bag or something. Do you know how much one of these YSL handbags cost?" I whisper to him.

He pulls my closer and he puts his nose on my neck then he talks."they didn't take anything Cinnyris." His lips brush at my skin, but I shiver out of fear.

Well then, what did they want?

So this is chapter 16. I am really sorry but I won't be updating soon because I am traveling tomorrow. Really hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one is probably coming out next week. So until then.


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