I forbid it.

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I woke up with a slight hint of fatigue and a grumpy face that might turn mornings into nights with it's horrifying posture. I run my hand through a knot that was stuck in my hair for too long, trying to break it free. With a little of luck and a lot of pulling, I managed to set my hair free from that disturbing mess it was crumbled in. I feel the relief of every girl who suffered from this before, although I have to shower now, and there will be much more trapped in my head, but there is this strange delight that I always feel when I set things back in place. As if my hair is a replacement for my life, much easier to set loose.

I check on Venice, only to find her playing with my phone. "Venice, the bathroom is clear, you can go in." i say. unfortunately  her respond appears to be a slight groan  and a shoo with her hand, demanding me to leave.

"Venice." I repeat again, this time with a threatening tone, she just groans again, with much more wining entwined with it, then she heads to the bathroom. I grab the phone that Adam placed in the bag when he helped us out of the Blue Moon pack, my old pack that I am so sad to announce my disliking towards it. Although I know that my dad won't be happy if he knew about this. So I open Dumb Ways to Die.

My dad always spoke about our pack with pride, happiness, and even love. But I wasen't meant to be there, I wasen't even excepted. But here, I'm happy. I have my mate with me, my sister, two new best friends and a dear old one. All I ever wanted. But the only slight, unnoticeable, barely important thing is: This is all to be destroyed in a matter of days. This single, miserable issue with me and Harry, is about to destroy all of what I cherished here, or that's what only Harry wants to do, but I will not allow him, I'll keep whatever i can keep safe. Because it is not what I want, it is what I want, it is what I so desperately need to achieve. I want to know that, not who are all unfortunate enough to live with me are freaking automatically sentenced to death, like my family. I forbid it.

I change into a black crop top, grey wool cardigan, my dark blue jeans and black vans. I fix my hair into a high ponytail, not willing to really tidy it. I pick a blue dress, grey jacket and grey Uggs for Venice. She comes out and dresses up  quickly, admiring her dress that she didn't know I bought her, and then we head out to the dinning room. There, Alice,Ethan,Will, and Adam sit on the table that we claimed as ours, with only one member missing. A chair that it's emptiness greatly disturbed me. Saddened me, somehow.

I take a seat by Will, spreading a soft yet lazy good morning to all of them, their responses are muffled by one another, as if they run in harmony. Will utters out an entertaining yet ridiculous (or it's more like it is entertaining because it is ridiculous)  story. All laughs and joke about it, dirty jokes, if you want me to be percise. Then we all leave the table for our tasks. Will goes to preform his Beta stuff in his Beta office, Alice will set off to shop with Ethan. He dosen't have to work today.

She offered to take us too but i politely declined, knowing that Luke is probably returning today, or that's what I was informed by Will. Adam is going to finish a research then help this pack's third in command. War techniques are most needed when, you know, there is a war coming up. And two people working on it is defenitly better than one, right?

I head back to my room, pick up my phone then call Luke.

No one responds.

I try to call him again, this time he answers.

"Hello!" He yells due to the noise around him. I directly smile. I miss his voice.

"Hey. Where are you? Why is there a lot of noise?" I ask, although I know the answer, I just like to hear it from him, that he's  coming home.

"I'm at the airport, my plane will take off in 15 minutes from now. I'll rach the pack house at 3 pm, I guess... I need to go now see you soon." He utters loudly, and in a hurry, too.

"Okay. Bye." I say, not thinking of a better way to end the conversation.

"Cinnyris wait!" He yells louder this time.

"Don't freak out, I'm still here!" I respond with a smile, although he won't see it.

"I love you." He says, this time a little quieter, his sweet voice deep and thoughtful.

"I love you too." I whisper in response, shyness is evident in my voice.

I hang up first, a little too quickly though. The smile didn't leave my lips.

Yay, I'm loved.

I head to the library, deciding that I should spend sometime there, until Luke is back. On my way, I leave Venice at Lucille's, she doesn't like that library, and she thinks that the old man is scary.

During my reading session, I discover many things about The Generation of the Red. Though nothing interesting enough to catch my attention.

At one PM, I head down to the main entrance on the house, taking a seat in the living room which is sort of connected to the main door.

I wait, and wait and guess what... I wait some more. At 5:30 The door suddenly opens, causing me to jump straight on my feet, Luke comes in with a smile; followed by a person that I definitely didn't expect.

I am so sorry for not updating since, well.. forever.

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