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I slowly flutter my eyes open, Im dizzy, warm, and slightly nauseous from a cryptic nightmare That i hardly  recall. Luke's angelic face sleeping in front of mine, the haze melts away and the thought strikes me like a bolt of lightning . I can't get over how much he deserves a much better mate and Luna than I ever will be. He stayed by me during my pain even though I was about to reject him, and I will reject him for his own good, but it's too hard. I'm not cruel, and I hate it when I am. I'm always someone that's not me for the sake of the "circumstances ".

I stare at him until I grow uncomfortable with my creepy attitude. I picture him with another girl. She would be pretty, with light hair and dark eyes that are adorned with laugh lines. She would be nice and gentle and bubbly, and she would love him to death. He will love her too, and stay by her side like he is staying by mine. She'd be the perfect Luna, and he'll be just as perfect, and together they'll be something beautiful. I'll be far away from here, probably in Italy, with Venice in a lovely little village, filled with calming greens and blues. No one there would know who I really am, heck, I'd even like it better if they were all humans and not werewolves so that I'll stir away from all our tiring social standards. Venice go to school, live a happy life, and I'll be by her side, making money by working in a local cafe or something along that type of job. We'll be happy, we'll be in peace, all of us. And though this is how everything should go, I can still find myself sulking at the unfairness of this all.

I gently pat Luke's cheek to wake him up, preferring that over talking. He opens his eyes and gives me a heartwarming smile and I could almost swear that I melted from the inside.
" morning." I mouth, lacking the ability to speak. With his gaze on my like that, I'm certain that I'll stutter.

"Good morning Cinnyris. You feel better now?" He asks with concern. A warm feeling takes over me, I miss being cared for.
" much better." I reply calmly, finally using my voice. He looks distracted for a moment as he poses himself in a sitting  position then his stunning grey eyes engage mine.

"Listen I have to go now. there is a rogue in the territory. I am sorry Cinnyris but I have to go." He says as he runs his hand through his hair in an attempt to make it neat. He's not so good with his words is he? His awkward words provoke a grin out of me, until I finally understand his what he said.

"Oh, okay." I say feeling a little disappointed. He smirks devilishly and kisses my on the forehead, making me shudder in pleasure.

"Why don't you sleep now and I'll be back before you know it." He says, running around the room in an attempt to find his phone. I pull it from under his pillow then hand it to him wordlessly.
"I don't think I can sleep again Luke, I'm on heat, not pregnant." I state while playing with the hem of my sheets like the baby I am. He laughs and I smile involuntary.

"Could you check on Venice for me please?" I ask with a frown, the pain is coming back again. He nods his head. "That's my protective mate." He murmurs as he walks away. My cheeks turn crimson and I grin like the love struck puppy I am. I notice my action then return my features into a poker face. I involuntary feel like I've smiled too much today. Almost everyone is happy like this, but it still feels surreal to me.

Stupid mate bond, stupid heat and most importantly, stupid me. I rest my head on the pillow and try to sleep even though I said I wouldn't. I toss and turn for a long time until I realize I need Luke to sleep, if i am to sleep at all. I groan loudly as I stand up. I throw a tight black shirt on, black trousers and combat boots. Just so I can dress up to match my mood right now. Let's go find a rogue, I tell my wolf. 'And Luke too!' She squeals. I smile again at the name, features more relaxed.

Maybe a bit of excitement will be beneficial for my nerves, although I'll be intruding on Luke. Whatever, as long as hes there.

I walk out to find Will walking next to me. "Beta stuff?" I ask, acting like I don't know his destination.
"Yeah, you?" He ask suspiciously. He can barely even breath next to me, I am disgusted with myself, especially because I'm slightly enjoying it.

"Luke."I speak shortly, knowing that he'll understand. "Then I guess we're heading to the same place." He responds.
And then it hits me like a ton of bricks. Shit, I forgot again! I open my mouth ready to speak but Will cuts me off.
"She is asleep and there is a pack member who volunteered to stay with her, Alice, remember her?" He speaks quickly, explaining the situation to me before I rip his head off for leaving my sister alone.
"Yes I remember her." I mumble slowly. Alice is a nice girl who talked to us when Will gave us a tour around the pack house. And unlike all the other pack members who met us, she was fond of me as much as she was with Venice. She said she wants to be my friend.

When Will and I were both secured by the tall trees of the forest, I smell Luke's exotic scent of pomegranate and rich chocolate and I melt from the inside. I follow the scent ignoring Will's existence by my side. when I finally make it to him Luke's turns around and gives me a happy yet goofy grin. I smile sweetly then walk towards him. He gives me a questioning look then starts.

" Cinnyris what-"
"Iris!!?" I hear an insanely familiar voice yelling the nickname that is only ysed by- "Adam!" I shriek loudly running towards my best friend and third in command and throw myself between his arms.

"Iris are you okay?" He asks , finally letting go. I hear Luke growl and directly feel guilty. I turn around to face Luke." Luke this is Adam , my third in command and my best friend." Luke's face directly soften and he slightly smiles. "Thank you for helping my mate." Adam's eyes widen and a huge smirk appears on his face. Oh shit.

"Oh little Iris got herself a mate." He says, wriggling his eyebrows and tickling me. I blush deeply and elbow him in the stomach.
"Adam stop!" I yell , feeling embarrassed. The three boys chuckle. " I see he hasn't marked you yet since you're still on heat." He says I look at him and his hazel eyes have no hint of lust in them, that's my Adam.
"Adam , third grade." I say, squinting my eyes. "Fine, I'll shut up just don't come up with this subject again."He says, looking like an angry six years old.

And about the third grade thing; A school teacher almost caught him peeing in the girls bathroom , but I went in before she did. I told him she was coming and he panicked. He moved too quickly before he was done , and because of that, he sprayed the bathroom wall and the legs of some poor girl who was peeing. We ran away before the teacher could get us and hid by the lockers. He made me promise not to tell anyone about it and I wouldn't, I just use this subject for blackmailing.

We all follow Luke back to the pack house. I look at Adam then slightly pinch his cheek. we go way back, since we were three. He smiles. " Wait until Venice sees you Adam." I say, lightly hitting his arm. He wince in pain and his face turns pale. "Adam are you hurt?" I ask feeling worried. I gingerly lift his sleeve up. He was shot, with a silver bullet.

Our pack plays no games, you either stay home or die.

" Oh my god we need to go to the pack's doctor , now!" I yell in panick.
" Adam why didn't you say anything? "
I ask, my voice acting weird because of the lump in my throat. it's just the idea of losing one of the last people I care about, of losing Adam , makes me want to cry for years; I just can't bare any other loss.
"it's okay Iris, look we already made it to the pack house. We rush into the small hospital inside the pack house and the doctor rush towards us . she takes him into a separate room and they stay there for a while. An hour or so pass with no information about Adam until the doctor comes out. I literally jump out of my chair.
" Is he okay? did anything happen to him?" I ask nervously.
"He is fine, he just needs to rest." Luke wraps his arms around me calming me down. I tilt my head so that its resting on his muscular chest. " I think you need to rest too." He whispers.

He takes me to Will's room so I could check up on little Venice. She runs towards me and hugs me tightly. I tell her about what happened today then tell her that I need to rest. I thank Alice and give her a genuine smile, then leave Venice with Will. Luke leads me to the room. I remove my boots and socks and rest my head on the pillow.
"Sleep now Cinnyris." He whispers as he walks to the door. My wolf howls in sadness and I give up. "Luke please stay." I plead in weakness. God I'm a mess. He lay down by my side and wraps his arms around me protectively, like there was nothing else on his schedule. "Mine." He murmurs and I smile before I drift to sleep.

I'm sooooo sorry I didn't update earlier. My dad took my phone away because I broke my laptop and he just returned it again. Please comment or vote. Show me that you care. I am probably updating tomorrow or after tomorrow. So until then.


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