Chew Willy,chew.

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I wake up in a strange but charming room. The walls are blue and so are the bed sheets, the pillow is a swirl of aquamarine and orange and yellow, the furniture is mostly dark cherry wood. There is a white lounge in front of the bed. The windows are wide open, both allowing a soft breeze to filter the room.
My old room was all white, no other colors, not even pink. Whites everywhere. 'Colors can trigger excessive reactions from emotions already building up on the person. Better keep her room and most of her surroundings in a unified color. White is preferable.' Doctor's advice. Where am I?

The images clear out almost instantly in a direct and slightly taunting answer from me head , i replay all of yesterday's events and the sigh is involuntary. i remember that ive closed the windows myself. i sigh again, then breathe in through my nose, for the sake of enjoying Luke's scent. Well, who else would've had the gut to walk in here and open the windows?
I wonder what was going through his head when he just barged in.

I keep myself from rising and take the time to indulge on some of my thoughts. It would be nice if I stayed here, keeping this room as my own, having a pack that doesn't know my secrets and accept me, keeping Venice safe, and staying with Luke. Plush bed, sweet life, hot mate. It's all too tempting.
But I can't stay here, I am nothing more than danger on feet, I almost harmed him yesterday. I have to finish the rejection, before I get way too attached. I know the risks.

It takes me a minute before i rise. I get up of the bed to find Venice walking out of the bathroom. Her teeth brushed, her hair wet and combed and her clothes changed and clean. "Good morning!!" She beams.
"Well someone got up early." I say walking to the shower. She giggles and then jumps on the bed. "THIS ROOM IS HUGE!!" she yells, her curls bouncing as she jumps from the bed to the couch in front of it.

"Don't hurt yourself!" I yell as I grab a bra and underwear from my bag.
"I am going to shower now. Don't hurt yourself, don't leave the room and don't open the door unless it is someone you know." I order, glad because she doesn't know anyone here.

I remove all of my filthy clothes and toss them into the sink, then stand under the shower and let the warm water relax me. I scrub my oily hair and my dirty body. I can't believe Luke didn't reject me when I showed up looking all grimy and disgusting. My  own eyes are rejecting my face in the mirror for God's sake. After I am done I dry my hair with a towel, put on my undergarment then wrap a fluffy beige towel around my body.

I turn around to face the mirror, I look better than I ever did in years. A glint takes over my eyes, their gold color is a constant reminder of how alive and real my curse is. The bags under my eyes are less visible, now there's just a black halo surrounding my eyes, making me look like a drug addict. my scars are better and less irritated, thanks to the medicine my third in command left in my bag. I stare for five minutes straight, identifying who I am and just how miserable the situation im in is, then i walk out.

The first sight I get to see was that of Venice tugging on Will's curls, small groans escaped his lips every time she tugged, he did smile after those too. Both of their heads snaps towards me, and I wrap my hands around my chest. Talking to a strange guy is one thing, but meeting him half naked, that's a whole other story.

"Venice, didn't I tell you to only allow the people you know in." I scold. "Yes, but I know him. I saw him yesterday." She responds with innocence. I sigh, I tilt my head to look at Will, who's face inhabited an angry frown.

"Who did this to you?" he asks, sounding angry as he points at my scars. "Long story Will, maybe later." I say as I slightly angle my head so it is pointing at Venice.
"ok." He says, taking his time to answer, knowing that it is hard to speak with little Venice in here. He keeps staring at me and I just can't help but blush. I want my clothes, now.

He notices my discomfort then he turns around, giving me his back, and giving Venice his full attention . I walk to the bag and grab a white shirt and a pair of jeans, I don't wear my shoes because I like to walk barefoot. I walk into the bathroom again to change and braid my nastily long hair. It's nice, sure, but hard to function with. I walk out again, and now Will has Venice poised above him mid air, her giggles makes how much fun she's having pretty obvious.

"Come on, put your shoes on we are going downstairs to- hear" Will says as he settles Venice on his broad shoulders, a wide smile is planted on his face.
That says a lot about his character. Ugh but I wanted to stay barefoot for a while, I mentally whine. 'Just put your shoes on you useless brat.' My wolf, Scarlet, says with a depressed tone. A downer , isn't she?
'You know we have to do this Scarlet.' I say, feeling hurt as well. She sighs. I block her out as I slip into a blue converse I found in the bag.

" Are you ready ladies?" Will asks. He sounds like the pirate from Spongebob's theme song.   "yes we are." Both Venice and I respond in union, even though i was very tempted to respond with an 'aye aye captain'. He leads us to the grand kitchen and fortunately it is empty. No one gets breakfast at 1:30 in the afternoon, apparently.
"So what do you guys want to eat?" I ask as I grab the pancake mix out of the kitchen closet. "PANCAKES!" They yell, united in their voices and hunger.

"I knew it." I say with a smirk. After  the pancakes are all cooked up, I remember something that i cant believe i have forgotten.

"Will, where is Alpha Luke?" I ask, causally, but my voice fails my and I sound like a baby seal chocking on a pea. I silently scold myself. Will didn't seem to notice though.

"Oh something came up and he'll be out for three days." Will answers, his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"Chew Willy, chew." Venice says as she squeezes his cheeks in an attempt to make him chew faster.

We are trapped here for three more days, isn't this splendid?

chapter five people!

Cinnyris is staying in this pack longer than she planned to.

do you think she'll have the guts to reject Luke.

plzz comment and like, and maybe i will add a diffrent pov. just to make things more exiting!


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