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Asgardian Prison: Dungeons of the Royal Palace

"I believe in you Hela, I know you'll make me proud." My father says to me as I lean through the prison bars to gaze upon his pale face.

"Of course I will, and then we'll rule Midgard together, right?"

"Absolutely, Hela." We spoke in whispers, as to not be heard by any nosy passerby.

"I'll come back for you, I promise."

"I know you will." He hands me a horned helmet he had fashioned using magic. "I want you to take this."

I turn away from him and lift a strand of midnight black hair away from my face and place the helmet on my head. "I thought you couldn't use magic during your sentence." I wonder aloud.

"I do find some loopholes."

I laugh as I exit the dungeons, and begin to move forward with my plans.

First, I would need to find a party to crash. Let's say, the annual museum banquet taking place in New York City tomorrow evening. A perfect distraction would be me of course. I'd disguise myself as a typical Midgardian, and when the moment arises, take action. Show those pathetic mortals I meant business. They'd kneel to me as they did my father. Anyone who said different would be murdered immediately. I am the Goddess of Death after all.

Continuing my confident stride towards the bifrost, I run into my uncle, Thor. Curses.

"Hela! I didn't expect to see you up so early in the morning. Where are you heading off to?"

"The gardens. I'd like to practice some sorcery." I lie. I'd inherited my knack for lying so easily from my father. And my uncle made it so much simpler due to his stupidity.

"Wonderful. May I join you?"

"No, I apologize Uncle. I work better alone."

"I see. Well, off with you then. I'll see you around the palace."

"Of course." I nod exiting the palace and following the bridge to the Bifrost.

Lying to Thor, quite brilliant I'd say. You definitely have a gift Hela.

I smiled to myself. My father has an odd way of intruding on my thoughts. We can communicate with each other that way, though sometimes I find it rather annoying when I'm thinking of something more private.

I'd finally reached the end of the long bridge and arrived at the Bifrost. Heimdall sat watch at the entrance. I glide past him, hoping he wouldn't wish to start a conversation with me.

"To Midgard." I say and feel the familiar feeling of flying past the many different realms.

As quickly as it had started, it was over and I had arrived. A smirk creeps up my face as I look around the realm that will soon be mine. I'll make you proud father.

A large crater had unearthed around me from where I landed. I begin to take a step from where I was standing, when a loud clear voice stops me in my tracks.

"Stop right there!"

Who is this mortal who dares halt my work?

"Who are you?" The voice says again. I look up from under my helmet to see a man dressed in red, white, and blue brandishing a shiny shield.

"My name is Hela, daughter of Loki."

The man's face turns to one of pure shock.


Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now