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Now inside the small cottage, my brothers were seated on a small sofa. I squeeze into a small spot between them, slightly uncomfortable.

"Father when-" I start, but Loki holds up a hand to silence me.

"Focus on the task at hand Hela. Later we will deal with your mortal acquaintance." I nod slowly, annoyed at him for hushing me.

"Nari, Vàli mind fetching supper?" My father smirks a bit, looking in their direction.

They both grin and pick up two similar silver bows to be used for hunting. I jump to my feet, grabbing my dagger which was also helpful for the same purpose.

"Not you Hela. Just your brothers."

I furrow my brow, confused. Did he think me incapable of retrieving game?

"Father, I assure you I can hunt just as well as them."

Loki shakes his head and takes my hand, pulling me into his lap like he used to when I was little. "Hela, I've lost your mother once before. I won't lose you."

I blink back tears that were beginning to roll down my scarlet cheeks. My father was holding me tightly in his strong arms.

"You are all I have left."

Conference Room: Avengers Tower

James and Thor had been sitting in a small conference room, discussing what should be done to find Hela.

"I don't get it. She was there, I leave for fifteen minutes and she's disappeared." James mutters shaking his head.

"I believe I know the solution to your problem James of Midgard. She must have gone to Asgard." Thor says.

"Asgard? You mean not in this country?"

"Not in this world, more like. But I may take you?" Thor proposes.

"Please, I need to see her again. Know that she's safe." Thor nods and stands up, grabbing Mjölnir and tossing it in the air once before catching it.

"Then let us be gone."

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now