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Slumped against the wall of the cell, I sigh deeply, bored nearly to insanity. I'd been here for a week already, and I yearned for freedom. I'd been given a measly amount of food twice a day, never more. I was forever alone.

No one was with me at the moment, unless you count the many cameras watching me from every angle.

Hearing the sound of footsteps edging closer, I jump to my feet. Probably the Hawk again. Looking up, I see it is Tyler.

He quickly shoots all the cameras with a hand gun and unlocks the opening of the cell door. "You coming Princess?" He asks holding out a hand, as alarms blare loudly around us. Nodding quickly, I reach out and grab his hand.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"For what exactly?" He replies with another question.

"Getting out of here." I smirk grabbing his hand and teleporting to an abandoned alley.

The second we arrive, Tyler pulls his hand away. I raise my eyebrows in question, still getting the feeling there was something vital he wasn't telling me.

He grabs his gun from his holster and starts talking "You can heal from almost any wound, correct?" I look back at him uncomfortably and confused. "Yes..." I reply keeping my watchful eyes on him, trying to predict his next move before he acts.

"Then this shouldn't kill you." Tyler mutters clicking off the safety from his gun and aiming it at me. My eyes widen in shock. I never should have trusted him from the start. "You wouldn't dare..." I say in a deathly quiet whisper.

He chuckles. "You must not know me very well then." He replies before firing, leaving me sprawled on the ground, bleeding vigorously. Trying to heave myself back up, I find myself weak, unable to fight off the pain fast enough.

Tyler's face is blank, and emotionless as he binds my hands and feet together and tosses me into the back of a van.

From my corner in the back, I can hear a conversation between Tyler and someone else. "Tell the Director, we've succeeded. All will be taken care of in time." The other person mumbles a reply which I don't quite understand except a single word. Hydra.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now