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Laying back in my bed, I cry softly to myself. My father... he's been trying to reach me for so long, I just didn't realize it was him. Tears dripping down my face, I pull the covers tighter around me and cry myself to sleep.


"Agent Hela? Get up. Now." I hear someone opening my door, and I quickly wipe my tear-stained cheeks. Tyler. He couldn't know... I'd forget everything again. He'd take it away from me just like he did before. No! Never again.

"Hela!" He slaps me hard across the cheek leaving a big red mark across my pale face. But I wasn't going to let him get away so easy this time. Sitting up in bed, I use my right fist and throw a punch. Tyler tumbles backward, crashing through the door. I glance back at my wrist, surprised at my own strength. The door had broken and a huge hole went through the center.

Tyler glares at me, an intense loathing written across his face. I quickly sit back, accidentally bumping my broken wrist against the wooden headboard and shouting out in pain. He stares at me, confused for only a second till he notices the sling around my neck.

He smirks and raises a brow. "Who helped you out Agent?"

"No one. I can help myself."

"Oh? So it wasn't James?" I don't reply, staring back at him slightly frightened.

"You're hiding something." He says looking straight at me. I shake my head quickly. "Nothing! I'm not lying to you." And in truth I wasn't, I never replied.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me from the bed. "Let's go." I try and yank it back, but he tightens his grip, beginning to hurt me. Walking out the door with me beside him, I pass James in the hall. He stares after me worriedly but I shake my head. "I'm fine." I mouth and he nods, but doesn't look any more convinced.

Tyler drops me into a chair and metal cuffs hold my arms back . My broken wrist, falling limply to my side. "What?! What are you doing?!" I struggle desperately trying to free myself. They can't do this to me again. No...

He ignores my question, "Why were you crying this morning?" I stare back at him, slightly embarrassed, I had no idea he knew. "My arm, the pain was unbearable." Tyler looks me over, quickly deciding I was lying, and presses a blade to my neck. I try to edge away, but fail and start to feel cool blood dripping from my neck. Screaming, I kick him in an attempt to get him to stop. He frowns, seeing I still wasn't talking, giving the information he wanted and pulls the knife away.

Sighing, I pray he's finished but deep down, I know he never will be. Not till I tell him what I've seen.

"Sir, please. I don't know anything." I plead desperately. I stare into his icy blue eyes but see he isn't looking in my direction. He presses a switch, instantly making the cuffs ten times tighter, and they dig painfully into my skin.

"Hela, just tell me. It will make things so much easier on yourself. And me as well. I don't like seeing your pretty face in so much pain." He tilts my face up towards his, so I'm looking him straight in his electric blue eyes. I can't... No...

My head started to hurt and his voice began ringing in my ears before everything slowly faded to black.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now