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James shrugs, but begins replaying the last week's events to me. It all seemed rather odd, but I just nodded and tried to go along with everything be was saying. My wrists still ached endlessly and were beginning to try my patience. Sighing, I slump back against James, and he gently combs his fingers through my long black hair.

A quick glance out the window told me we were nearing our destination, which seemed to be Avengers Tower. My face instantly pales. "Hela darling, are you well?" I hear James breath brush my ear.

"Fine, just fine." Why was this making me so nervous? I had never even fought the Avengers, so why was it getting to me?

Hela, do not trust them. They will only get in your way.

My father's words drifted into my mind, but they didn't make any sense to me. Get in the way of what exactly?


I nod quickly, keeping the thought in mind. Of course I'd make sure to keep my distance, but for now, trust is key.

James grabs my hand and helps me walk inside the tall skyscraper. "How are you keeping?"

"Alright I suppose, I've been better." He nods and smiles.

"Everyone else is already inside. We should get a move on."

"Right." Stepping in the elevator beside him, it quickly takes us to the top floor.

He leads me inside, the rest of the Avengers already there, waiting.

Stark speaks first. "She'll have to go through a bit of questioning. Cause, you know, she could be some kind of-"

Natasha cuts him off. "Tony, please do us a favor and shut up."

He shrugs and rolls his eyes. I nod quickly, standing up and following him out the door.

We enter a large room, with a glass table and two chairs. He seats himself in one and I sit across from him.

"So... Hela is it?"

"That would be correct."

"Do you know anything of... your past?"

"My past?" I think hard. Well I knew a bit on my father, except his name of course. I knew nothing of my mother, nor if I had any siblings.

"I... I believe I have a father, still alive. That is all." I say truthfully.

"Yeah, that's real helpful. Name?"

"My father? I don't know."

"You must know, it's gotta be in your head somewhere." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes. For a billionaire, he was rather foolish. "I've been wiped, in case you were not aware. And I do not know anything other than what I just told you."

He raises a brow, contemplating whether or not to believe my words. "Meh, I guess I'll believe you then kid. Now, if you were your father..."

"What do you know of my father?!"

"God of mischief? Loki? You don't know any of this?"

"Loki... my father..." Tears well up in my emerald eyes as memories fill my head.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now