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Asgard: near the rainbow bridge

After arriving in Asgard, both men set out to find Hela. Thor insisted they visit Heimdall who was a Seer, someone who could see everything in all the realms. Heimdall was located near the Bifrost, but was of little assistance. He had seen Hela and she was seemingly with her father, but he knew not where. Heimdall assured both of them she was safe, but it left James with no consolation. If she wasn't with him, he didn't trust that she would be alright. He believed her to be fragile, but little did he know, she was anything but.

Loki's Cottage: in one of the nine realms

Without my noticing, I had nodded off in my father's arms. Slowly blinking my eyes open and sitting up, I glance up at my father. He smirks down at me, shaking his head.

"Supper is ready, Hela. You've been asleep awhile." He murmurs quietly.

Nodding quickly, I get to my feet and make a beeline to the table. I was starved. Nari and Vàli were already there, stuffing their faces with roasted beef and potatoes. Rolling my eyes, I take a seat beside them and grab a plate for myself.

The food was amazing, better than anything I'd had in a while. The flavor rich and cooked to a golden brown. Yet that wasn't what I'd been craving for so long. It was just this. Being with my family, my father and brothers. I'd lived years without seeing them and that was my first mistake.

As we reminisced in the past, memories of growing up together, Loki teaching us to hunt and use magic, a sharp knock is sounded on the door and my father sucks in a deep breath. His face instantly pales and he glances back toward us. "They've found us. Hide. Now." He breathes grabbing his helmet and a small but sharp dagger.

Both my brothers take my hands and pull me to a small cellar, locking the door after us. None of us speak for a moment, frightened for our lives, our father's, the home. Then I break the silence.

"We're just going to sit here while father fights for us?"

My brothers don't say anything, staring at the stone floor. Nari looks up and sighs before talking. "He told us to protect you Hela. We can't lose you to the same fate as Mother."

I clench and unclench my fists angrily. I wasn't a child. Without another word from either twin, I tear open the cellar door and run back towards the action. What I see before me renders me speechless.

Then all hell breaks loose.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now