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Somewhere along the way, I fall into a restless sleep. Waking up every few minutes trying to move and realizing I couldn't.

When we arrived, I attempted to make myself invisible to the eye, as to avoid being taken away again. Annoyingly, I had just used up most of my power teleporting here and fighting back, plus I had just been shot which didn't help.

Tyler opens the back of the van, and tosses me over his shoulder once again. I wanted to scream at him "Why am I here? What is it you want?!" Deep down, I knew that wasn't going to work. If he'd gone through all this trouble to hide his true identity, there was no way he would tell me why I was here.

In my anger, I try and kick him but my feet were still tied tightly together. He doesn't seem to notice, which makes me even more upset.

When we've walked for a considerable amount of time, Tyler thrusts me into a chair, steel cuffs holding my limbs in place.

A tall, muscular man walks over to me, eying my every move, which quite frankly wasn't very much. "So Hela, are you going to cooperate, or must we make this harder than it has to be?"

"I... I don't understand..."

"Are you willing to work for Hydra, and fight to reach world domination?" I look him over, unsure of how to reply. This isn't part of the plan. I knew my answer.

"No. I work alone." I glare at him.

He ignores me and turns to Tyler. "Erase everything." Tyler nods and flips a switch. Large pieces of machinery attach to my head and I scream, starting to get incredibly nervous.

That's when I let the fear take over. I never get scared, nervous, afraid, anything. But at the moment it wasn't my life that was at stake, it was my humanity. The only thing I had left. In an effort to escape, I struggle endlessly against the metal holding me back.

A few hours pass, still connected to the machine. My eyes roll back in my head, and I can't feel anything.

A minute later, I'm released from the cuffs holding me back. "You are the Dark Assassin. All that matters is Hydra, nothing more." The Director tells me. I nod quickly. Hydra was everything, nothing else mattered.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now