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"You're already leaving? But I haven't even gotten sick of you yet!" I hear the bloody Stark say. He aggravates me to my max. Now I'm beginning to wish I had my dagger with me...

"Hela! Get a move on!" Tyler shouts grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door. A blast from Stark's armor nearly hits my shoulder, but I quickly dodge and slide the other direction continuing in trying to escape.

A red, white, and blue something ricochets off the wall next to me and knocks Tyler on to the cold hard ground. I don't think twice, quickly halting my quick stride and heaving him over my shoulder. Before I can continue running, I feel something cool and sharp pierce my skin. "Tranquilizer." I murmur weakly before blacking out.

~Classified High-Security Shield Prison~

I begin to remember the last few events more clearly. Tyler. Avengers. Getting caught. Again. Sighing, I force my eyes open and find myself trapped in a completely clear prison cell. My eyes glow red in rage and my skin tints a light blue. How dare they?! I'm a goddess! This can't hold me! Angrily I kick the side of the cell and the ground shudders beneath me.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you."

Hearing the familiar voice I look up curiously. The Hawk.

"I can do as I please." I strike it again, harder this time, smirking in reply.

The Avenger quickly fiddles with a bunch of levers and switches opening up the floor of the cell, and displaying the empty sky below.

My eyes widen in fear and I quickly back away to the edge of the cell.

"Are you mad?!" I shout after he closes the floor again.

"That wasn't me hot stuff! I tried to warn you." I look him over trying to see if he was telling the truth.

I don't reply to him, plopping myself on the floor and leaning back against the glass. It was probably quite cold to a mortal, but due to the Jotun blood flowing through my veins I didn't notice it.

He looks back at me almost sympathetically, yet he does nothing to free me. "You want something to eat?" To be honest I would love something sweet and sugary to ease my stress, but I wasn't about to seem weak to a bunch of idiots. Ignoring him I sigh and try to use magic to make my own, but quickly see that it is useless. A small icon pops up on a computer next to the man, probably alerting him of my attempt of magic.

"I'm sorry Hela, but the cell prevents you from using any type of magic. But I'll tell you what, I'll answer any question you've got, so hit me."

I glare back at him, wanting to kick something or hit someone which I couldn't do. Then I think of something I wanted to ask him.

"Mortal, where is Tyler?"

He pauses for a moment before replying. "Tyler, yeah he's currently in a separate room answering questions for a couple of agents."

"Concerning me of course?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yes, Hela concerning you."

"And is this of his own free will?" I asked frightened of the reply.

"No, he's... being forced to do this." He sighs. I look away, lost in thought. How did he know about me anyway? I feel like there's something I'm missing.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now