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My eyes on his tall, muscular figure. I stare at him longingly; wishing to throw my arms around him and for everything to be alright.

For Mother to be here. No burden rendering me helpless.

For Father to leave me be. To fight. Not be the mother I never really had.

"Hela!" James spots me, pushing his way to my side.

"James. You have to leave."

Something had been tugging at me ever since I'd arrived here. I couldn't figure out what it was exactly. Not my excitement to finally be here. Something else. It felt odd... but strong. I didn't know what. I did know it was incredibly dangerous. Something my father had told me when I was younger. Just a child, practicing magic.

"Never lose control Hela. The effects are fatal. Promise me to be careful?"

"I promise."

Fatal? What did he mean? Death, obviously. But how?

I'd never lost control before. Maybe I needed to. To prove I wasn't weak like my mother.

"Hela, I'm not leaving. Never again. You got that? The last time I left you alone... you almost died. Tyler. He nearly killed you." James replies, his expression serious.

I narrow my eyes, glaring at him. I was weak before, but I still had perfect control. I wouldn't have died.

James takes a step back, his eyes widening, stuck on my right hand.

I look down at my hand, it was glowing a dark, menacing-looking black.

This had to be what Father was referring to. There was only one probable thing it could cause. Death.

I didn't want to harm anyone here. Not my father. Or brothers. Not James. Or Thor who had just broken down the door.

I glance at my hand again, when it hits me.

If I ever lost control again... I might hurt someone. Kill them.

That wouldn't happen. I couldn't let it. There was only one solution.

To end my life, before I ended the life of someone I cared about it.

Loki catches on to what I'm about to do before I do it.

"No. Don't you dare."

I stare around the sitting room. All the people I loved; I wouldn't let them die at my hand.

I kiss James' cheek, before taking my blackened hand and strangling my own neck.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now