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James props me up gently on a bed, in a room, looking identical to mine. The same plain black room, empty except for the one bed.

"Is this your room?" I ask him, curiosity taking over. He nods quickly, as he wraps bandage around my arm tightly. "Well it's definitely broken, Hela." He says matter of factly. "But isn't there a doctor?" I ask.

"Yes, there is. But I don't trust them. You never just get what you asked for."

"Makes some sense, I guess." I reply, watching him work. He's taking a piece of fabric and loosely tying it around my neck to make a sling. He finishes the knot and smiles. "Perfect. How does it feel?" 

"Better, than before." I return his smile. "I'll check it again later." He says and sits next to me on the bed, leaning back and closing his eyes. When James begins to drifts off, I heave myself off the bed and exit his room, keeping any eye out for my own.

It was eery and quiet at night, the only sounds were the few agents who were keeping watch. Luckily most of them were slumped against walls, asleep. When I arrive at my room and enter, I sigh with relief before looking at my bed and nearly screaming.

It was the man from my dream, the one who looked so much like me. He looks at me and smiles sadly. "Hela?" I take a step back. "What? What is it?" I mutter nervously.

The man frowns. "Hela, it's Loki. You're father. Don't you remember?" I think hard, trying to go back to before I came to Hydra.  But what was before Hydra? It hurt my head to go back that far.

Suddenly a blurry image of a small, young girl is laughing as she sneaks into her father's room and tries on his horned helmet. It promptly falls over her jade eyes, leaving short tufts of black hair peeking out.

I smile to myself, remembering. The little girl was me. And the man? My father.

Tears streaming down my face, I hug him tightly. I missed him, he was the only family I knew of, and I was going to hold onto that. He ruffles my hair once more, before slowly fading to nothingness.

Father... wait... Don't go. Please... I need you, now more than ever.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now