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Waking up in an unfamiliar place is creepy. Plain scary and weird.

I look around the new room I had just found myself inhabiting. I was lying on a small bed, in the middle of a nearly empty room. The only things in it is me of course, the bed, and whatever it was that had kept me alive. My limbs are incredibly stiff, and I'm positive it would be near impossible to move very much.

What was rather odd to me was I felt weak and tired. I'd never felt that way before. Always powerful and as if I could accomplish anything. But now... I felt the opposite. I moan, wanting to know what has happened, as the last thing I remember was wringing my own neck.

Immediately a tall, slim figure enters the room, rushing to my side.

"Hela... what have you done?" My father chokes out, staring down at me.

I frown, slowly sitting up. "What are you talking about? I just wanted to protect you... from me."

"I haven't been able to see you sweetheart, since you nearly died. They wouldn't let me. You're... you're so pale..." He reaches out and takes my hand.

I smile, my eyes drooping in exhaustion. "I'm fine father. I promise." He kisses my forehead gently and stands up.

"I'll be back later Hela, I swear it." I nod, laying back under the covers, falling asleep in seconds.


I wake up once more, but not from a loud noise, or some sign of danger, I felt something laying beside me, ruffling my hair.

Blinking my eyes open, I see James right at my side.


"James." I smirk and try to sit up. He ends up helping me of course.

He holds me close, wrapping his strong arms around me, no words able to express the feelings we both felt at this moment.

Finally he breaks the silence. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. But I'm always here."

"They say you should be able to leave the healer's ward by the end of the week. That's good news."

I nod slowly, unable to do much more.

More silence.

"Why did you do it?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"No, I understand perfectly! Trying to be all high and mighty and sacrifice yourself. Don't you get that I can't live without you? That you're my everything? What I get out of bed for, and think about before I fall asleep."

I don't say anything, mulling over his words. "James... I-"

"And bloody hell Hela, I'd marry you if I could. If there was a possibility you might say yes"



"I want to marry you James Oliver Collins."

Before he even replies, his lips are on mine in seconds. His hands laced through my hair. His arms around me protectively.

"I promise you, I won't ever let anything hurt you again. Okay?"


Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now