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My footsteps echo along the empty corridors, as I make my way to the training bay. The two doors are closed, but I hear movement inside and deem it alright to enter. Two men were inside, Tyler and another I didn't recognize.

Tyler waves me over, and I make my way to where he had been standing. The second man had messy red hair and dark hazelnut eyes. My eyes widen as I look up at him and my cheeks redden slightly.

Tyler motions to the other man. "James, you are to train her. Do not make it easy." James nods, but doesn't reply. Tyler winks, and exits the room. Raising my head, I look up at James. "You can shoot, I'm assuming?" He asks pulling a gun from his holster.

James chuckles and clicks off the safety, firing at five targets lined up along the wall. He hits each one dead center then tosses it to me. "Well let's see then?" I smirk, sure I could do it easily.

Raising the weapon, I align it with the target and fire. I groan, as it barely grazes the left edge. The bullet breaks through the wall, nearly hitting James and I suck in a breath, wary of the consequences. James agilely dives out of the way, just missing it by seconds.

He pulls himself back to a standing position and nods in my direction. "To be honest I've seen worse." I stare back at him and laugh. It felt so odd, yet amazing. Like rain after years of drought. Confident, I fire again this time striking a bit closer to the center. A third attempt, and I've pierced the center. James nods and a small smile forms on his face. "Do it again." Nodding, I fire, but miss completely distracted by thinking of James. Why did he keep popping up in my mind?!

The door bursts open, and I quickly stop, my face emotionless again. Tyler walks up to me his expression, completely unreadable. "That was a simple target, Hela! You could have easily hit that." He glares at me and grabs my arm, twisting it backward. I hear a crack, and am positive I had broken something. Trying to fight back, I scream out in pain. Hearing my shout he pulls back harder and I use all my strength to take back my arm.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see James looking upset, but not enough to not disobey orders. When he releases me I let out a deep sigh and fight back the tears that had begun to come. "Failure is your worst weakness Hela, don't let it happen again." He replies before exiting the room. My arm slumps back to my side, most likely broken.

James kneels by my side, and looks back at me concerned. "Are you alright? Do you want me to take you to the doctors?" He asks taking my hand.

"I'm fine." I reply quickly and try to use my arms to help me sit up, but I collapse on the ground. He smirks. "Completely believable."

I sigh and let him pick me up in his arms, leading me away from the training bay.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now