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Left alone in the office again, my mind wanders to figure out an escape. Being stuck here was messing with my plans and I didn't want to waste any more time. Glancing out the window, I see that the sky had darkened and there weren't any stars out. It made me slightly upset and homesick as the stars always helped me sleep when I was younger. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to find sleep in this dreadful place.

~Eight years ago~

"Hela?" I hear my name called loudly. Only eight years old, I was at my father's home, a small cottage just outside the town. I had been hiding out in my room, practicing my newly discovered magic. The door was locked as I hadn't told my father yet, and didn't want to him to see, in case something went wrong. Ignoring the call, I continue opening my palm and watching the small, crystal blue ball of energy levitate above it. It intrigued me completely, and I quickly forget that my father was still looking for me.

"Hela!" The shout is somewhat louder and more frantic.

The door breaks open and my father rushes out frightening me. In my moment of fear, the energy I had been controlling loses its serene state and burns my hand. "Ow!" I shriek pulling my hand back quickly, and the energy retreats into nothingness.


I look up into my father's bright emerald eyes, that matched my own. His long black hair was slicked back as always and he wore his usual Asgardian armor.

"Yes, father?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Shaking my head, I turn away.

"I thought... I could handle it alone."

He looks at me sadly and pulls me up onto his lap. "You can always come to me seeking guidance Hela, for anything and everything."

I lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep, him holding me tight as if he'll never let go.

~End of dream/flashback~

Waking up with a start, tears leak out of my eyes and I quickly blink them back. Stay strong Hela.

My father's voice in my head brings me back to my present state. Stuck with a bunch of mortals, not even knowing my own location. Sighing deeply, I try to free myself once more... and fail. Suddenly I twitch slightly, getting the feeling I'm being watched.

"Who's there?" I shout to whatever was stalking me.

The firing of Midgardian weaponry sends a shock to my system and I nearly scream in surprise. I notice a figure step out of the shadows.

"Hello Asgardian."

Looking closer, I see a teenage boy. About my age, only a bit taller with light brown hair and blue eyes. Actually quite attractive.

"Evening mortal." I reply dryly.

"Came to free you, if you'd like?" He says stepping closer to me.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch." He smirks.

I raise an eyebrow. "How am I to trust you?" Glancing at his arms, I see he is indeed carrying a weapon of some sort.

He shrugs and walks away. "Suit yourself."

"No, wait!" I call back to him. He stops and brushes a piece of hair from his face smiling. "You can... er free me if you like."

"I would love to." He walks back over to me, holding a small key to my cuffs and unlocking them with ease.

Smirking, I stretch my wrists and stand up. "You're services were greatly appreciated." I say as I prepared to teleport out of here. Wherever that may be.


I turn back around. "What?"

"You never... told me your name."

I look back at him genuinely surprised. "Hela. Hela Lokidottir."

He smiles. "Tyler Black."

I nod, unable to prevent myself from smiling as well.

"Well, I've got to be leaving. Before they find out of course."

"May I join you?" He was a mere mortal, this could easily be a trick, yet he seems strongly built. Could be helpful...


"Why not?!" I had no reply. What was I to say?

"Too dangerous." I answer quickly. He couldn't know.

He looks at me dead serious for a moment, then bursts out laughing. I roll my eyes. "What is so hilarious?"

Tyler quickly stops. "I'm sorry mate, but I promise I can help."

Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself to teleport out of the room when the door bursts open, Avengers. Brilliant.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now