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Exhausted from the day's events, I almost instantly fall asleep in the soft, comfortable bed. I pull the silky blanket tighter around me, rolling to my side and brushing my long black hair away from my face. A moment passes before I realize I'm not entirely alone. Sensing I'm being watched, I sit up in bed and click on the light beside me.

Two identical teenage boys peer up at me beneath short messy blond manes. My eyes widen in surprise, and I turn to grab my dagger lying beside me, only to find it missing. "My dagger..." I glance back to them, seeing the first one, slightly taller and with a small scar running across the bridge of his nose smirking, the sharp blade held in his right hand.

"Evening Hela!" The second one greets me holding out a hand.

I don't take it, glancing back at him confusedly. Maybe I should alert James...

The first one rolls his eyes and elbows the second one. "Váli, weren't you listening to Father? She doesn't remember us!" I try to to hush them, everyone was sleeping.

"Who are you? And what are you talking about? I've only just met you."

The second one, or Váli sighs and looks at me seriously. "Hela, we're your brothers. From Asgard." I stumble backwards, nearly tripping.

I had... brothers?

"You mean... but I..." I stutter, lost
in my own thoughts. Loki was my father, that I knew. But brothers?

The first one, steps closer to me."Remember me? Nari?" The name... why did it sound so familiar to me...

I glance up at the boy's pale face, the bright green eyes. Just like mine.

They sit down on either side of my bed and I blush, truly uncomfortable. "I'm sure you're aware of our father's current state. In prison?" Váli asks me.

That's why he left me before. It's all adding up, like missing pieces of a puzzle.

I nod slowly, still taking in his words. "Well, we need you. To get him back of course." Nari finishes. "You've always been much more skilled in magic."

"Magic? What sort of magic?" I mutter utterly bewildered.

Nari takes my wrist, closing his eyes tight in concentration. I almost want to ask him what the hell he was doing, but I restrain myself. He seemed genuine, but I'd still be watchful.

I look back down at my usually pale wrist, which was now tinted with light blue, and has small lines running up and down the lengths of it. I wrench my wrist back. "What did you do to me?!"

Váli chuckles and looks back at me. "Chill Hela, it'll go away once you calm down."

I frown and pull my sleeve lower on my arm, glaring at them both.

"I think it's time we head back Váli." Nari nods in his direction. Váli nods his head in reply. "Of course, Hela are you ready?"

I furrow my brow, not understanding. "Ready for what?"


Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now