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I glance back towards the door, thinking of James. I couldn't leave him, yet I definitely couldn't bring him. Sighing, I look back towards my brothers.

"I'm ready."

Vàli grins, taking my pale wrist in his own. "Heimdall open the Bifrost."

Instantly the three of us are transported into a small golden room. "Are we..." I ask slowly, biting my lip.

Nari laughs, standing beside me. "Dead? No, we're in Asgard." He smirks, pulling me outside the room onto a brightly colored bridge. Slowly, I started remembering it all. Everything.

"Vàli. Where is father?" I demand, using magic to dress myself in my golden helmet and green and black tunic.

Vàli points in the direction of the lower half of the palace. "Dungeons. It's supposed to be impossible to break out of. Obviously they hadn't met us yet."

Nodding quickly, I cast a spell rendering me to look as if I was a palace guard. "I suppose you both can create your own disguises?"

Nari and Vàli nod, snapping their fingers to appear as guards as well.

We enter the palace, not receiving a second glance, as the palace was always swarming with guards going every which way.

"The stairwell leading to the dungeons is well hidden Hela, we've tried entering ourselves but..." Nari trails off, awkwardly.


"We seem to be missing something."

"Of course..." I grab my dagger from my side, slicing my wrist. I smear the blood against the wall which promptly opens, revealing a stairwell.

Nari and Vàli gape at me in shock, Nàri whispers in his brother's ear. "Told you she'd figure it out. Pay up brother." Vàli groans, handing him a few golden coins.

I chuckle a bit, still focusing on the task at hand. The three of us slowly step down the stairs, towards the dark, cool, dungeons.

The cells all contained various criminals, some glaring at us as we walked by in Royal garb. "Father's cell is the last." Vàli mutters, our pace quickening.

"How do you plan on entering?" I ask, raising a brow in question.

"This." Vàli smirks, holding up a key. "Stole it from one of the guards back there."

Shaking my head, we soon arrive at the cell, containing my father.

He sat on the cold ground, his back pressed against the wall. Long black mane, untamed from not being combed for so long. His emerald eyes icy and glazed over.


Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now