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My eyes flicker open, catching sight of the room around me. I was sitting in a chair in what looked like some sort of office. Definitely not where I had passed out.

Noticing a stray black hair that had fallen over my eyes, I try to brush it away with my hand but soon realize my hands are cuffed behind me. "Mortals..." I mutter angrily to no one in particular.

A silhouetted figure makes its way into the room, sitting at the table across from me.

"You're Hela, I'm guessing?" He says shuffling some papers together. Quickly, I recognized him as the archer. For some reason, I never really minded him as much as the others.

I don't reply, looking downwards at my feet. That didn't mean I was going to reveal any information. Sensing my displeasure, he moves on to another question. "Why don't you tell
me why you have come to New York then?" I don't look at him, keeping my eyes drawn to the floor.

He walks over to where I'm sitting and tilts my chin up, so I'm looking into his deep brown eyes. "Hela, this is going to be a hell of a lot easier if you just cooperate." I glare at him and bite down on his hand. Hard.

He shouts out in pain, as blood drips from his fingers. I smirk, slightly excited by my little act of mischief.

The archer then leaves the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving me alone yet again. I sigh and try to release myself from the handcuffs. Magic wasn't working, and they took my dagger so I couldn't pick the lock.

Pretty soon I could hear voices outside the door. "Do you think Thor would do any better with her?"

"Well, he'd know for sure."

The lock to the door clicks and a tall man with long blond hair strides inside and sits in the same chair the archer was in. Thor.

"Hello Hela."


"Yes, it is me."

"Why am I here Thor?"

He hesitates before answering. "Midgard sees you as a threat, and as you won't tell us whether or not that is true..."

I shrug and look away. I wasn't answering that.

"Tell the mortals I demand my freedom!" I shout struggling helplessly against the cuffs.

"I'll see what I can do Hela. And please do not lie to me next time." He says before standing up and exiting the room locking it again behind him.

Sighing, I lay back in my chair alone once again.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now