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Opening my eyes once again, I glance around the grassy fields stretching for miles without end. It was completely isolated, and I'm sure my father had made it that way purposely. Most likely to insure he wasn't followed. My father and brothers quickly enter the cottage, me still lagging behind.

"Come now Hela." Loki eases me gently. I don't move. I'd forgotten about James completely.

My father begins losing patience with me. "Hela. Inside now." Still showing no sign of hearing him, he takes my wrist leading me inside, but I yank it back.

"Hela? Is something the matter?" Loki looks me over, concerned.

"James. I left him. On Midgard."

My father raises a brow in question. "James?"

"A close friend... I miss him."

My father nods, knowingly. "He'll be alright, I'm sure." He places a hand on my shoulder, leading me inside.

I don't reply, not as positive as my father. I didn't believe he was telling the whole truth.

Avengers Tower: New York City

"I don't understand. She was just here! I swear it." James runs his fingers through his hair, as he often did when he was nervous.

The rest of the tower hadn't yet woken up, but James had heard voices in the next room and came to check it out, finding it empty.

James pulls on jeans and a t-shirt, stuffing a gun into his front pocket. He rushes out of the building, on a mission of his own. He was going to find Hela, and nothing would stand in his way. Not even Hela herself.

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now