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A slight knock on the door, startles me and I quickly wipe my tears on my shirt sleeve. James, eyes me concernedly and seats himself at my side. "Hey, you okay?" I rest my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes. "Yeah..."

He laughs and combs his fingers through my dark hair, gently. I hear heavy footsteps and a door slamming, and figure Stark has just left. Smirking, I let him play with my hair and keep my eyes shut tight. "Tired?" He asks me.

"Just a bit." I reply truthfully.

James carefully puts me back upright in my chair and stands up. "Leaving already?" I frown.

He laughs and picks me up, holding me bridal style. "Not without you."

Laughing, I let him carry me out to the balcony overlooking the city. He sets me down, right beside him. My eyes widen looking out at the sun that was just setting, creating a deep red violet hue over the horizon.

James was staring out at the city for a moment, before turning to me. His hazel-brown eyes looking deep into my bright emerald ones. He brushes a stray hair from my face and tucks it gently behind my ear. "Hela."

"Yeah, James?"

"I... I really like you.

James leans in close to me and presses his lips lightly to my own. I smile and wrap my arms around his back, kissing him back in reply.

Slowly pulling away, his cheeks burn a slight red. "I really like you too." I murmur quietly in reply. James chuckles and takes my hand, leading me back inside.

We make our way past the bedrooms of sleeping Avengers, and to a pair of two small bedrooms down the hall.

James picks me up and carefully lays me down in the warm bed, wary of my wounds. He wraps the cozy blankets around me and seats himself beside me. "G'night beautiful."

I blush and peck his cheek quickly. "Night James."

James stands up and trudges toward the door, clicking off the light before shutting it. His footsteps echo down the deserted hallways, before slowly disappearing.

Exhausted, I fall asleep only moments after he had left. Left to the peace and quiet of my own mind and thoughts..

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now