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My father stands, soon noticing us, our disguises fading. He looks first to each of my brothers, then to me. The corners of his lips turn up slightly in a smile as he glances at our nearly identical features. As if he had just remembered something, he turns back to Nari. "Does she remember?" Nari nods quickly, looking back at his father. "Everything."

My father nods back in reply and turns to me once more. "Hela, I thought I lost you. Like I did your mother. Is everything alright?" I shake my head quickly, trying to hold back the tears that were beginning to fall. My mother had died fighting alongside my father in a war, decades ago. I'd barely known her, but my father used to tell me Nari and Vàli looked just like her. The same long blonde waves, and fair skin.

Loki reaches his hand throughout the bars of the cell to take mine. I notice it's slightly bloodied, most likely from trying to escape the torturous prison. "Listen to me, after we leave here, we'll be together once more. I promise you." I nod slowly, gazing back at my father. The man who raised me, till he was taken away, and we were separated...

Vàli grabs the keys from his pocket, the sound of metal jingling together echoing down the halls. He places one into the lock of the cell, turning the door open. My father strides out briskly, hugging the three of us tightly. "It is imperative we leave immediately, the guards come by every few moments to insure no one escapes."

Nari, frowns slightly confused. "Then how shall we leave unnoticed?"

Vàli starts to reply, but I interrupt. "Teleportation. It's simple, really."

Loki nods, glancing back at me. "I will teleport the four of us to my home. It is deeply hidden, and I assure you we will be safe." Coming to an agreement, we take each other's hands, teleporting to a small cottage in a large green meadow.

"Welcome home, my children."

Hela Daughter of LokiWhere stories live. Discover now