Chapter 7: Just Awkward

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~~~~~~~~~Harry p.o.v.~~~~~~~~~

After Jenny woke up everyone decided they were hungry. Zayn wanted to take Alex on a 'real date' so they left to have dinner somewhere.

"How about we order pizza." Jenny stated. I nodded in a agreement. Jenny quickly ordered pizza and a two liter drink.

"Did you have fun today? Well until, you know, Ryan came?" I asked looking at my feet.

"Yeah! It was so much fun. But Harry?" Jenny answered.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Umm... What happened between you and Ryan when Zayn pulled me away?" Jenny questioned. I was a bit taken aback by the question.

"Uhh... He basically said you are hot and he wants to get to know you better then I told him to stay away from you." I replied quickly. Jenny took a few seconds to understand my words, then nodded.

"That's a interesting conversation." Jenny stated before the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" Jenny yelled, running to the door. I followed behind her and found her talking to the pizza guy. "Dang, Brandon! I didn't know you were a delivery guy!" Jenny giggled.

"Well I needed a job and I like pizza so, it just felt natural." 'Brandon' stated, making Jenny laugh.

"Oh, Brandon! This is my bf, Harry." Jenny exclaimed showing me to Brandon.

"Hey. I'm Brandon. I go to school with Jenny." Brandon exclaimed holding his hand out. I took it and shook it(Haha that rhymes). "Okay well I have to go. Here's your pizza." Brandon continued, handing me the pizza. Jenny waved to Brandon before we walked back to the kitchen.

"What kind did you get?" I asked.

"My fav of course. Cheese!!!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Oh man! I need some stuff on my pizza." I stated. Jenny took a piece of pizza and took a bite of it. We took the box of pizza to the living room where we started to watch tv. Jenny being Jenny, she made us watch some funny show called Loiter Squad.

"OMG! This is where I got 'Trigga Please' from!" Jenny exclaimed. The show had a rap group called Odd Future just doing dumb shit.

"Wow! This show is brilliant." I stated. Which made Jenny giggle. I smiled, I just love her laugh! It's so cute.

"After this show, let's watch a movie!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Sure, but what movie?" I replied.

"Umm.... How about uhhh..... I don't know." Jenny answered.

~~~~~~~~~~Jenny p.o.v.~~~~~~~~

"How about we just go see a movie? Like at a movie theatre?" Harry asked.

"Okay! Just let me change." I exclaimed. I ran upstairs and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom. I took one of my famous three minute showers and quickly changed into my clothes. I was wearing light blue shorts with white lace at the bottom and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. I know, not really fancy but I gotta keep it fresh. I put on deodorant and perfume that made me smell like flowers. I just wore my hair natural, cause, you know, my hair is awesome😉. I walked downstairs and saw my dad was home. Well this is gonna be awkward.

"Hey dad! How's the person you visited?" I asked. I really don't remember who he was visiting.

"They are good." My dad answered looking at something behind me. I turned around and saw Harry standing there awkwardly. I told you!

"Oh this is Harry, my boyfriend." I told my dad. They were just starring at each other. Harry stuck out his and waiting for my father to take it, which he did. "Well okay... We are going to the movies. Bye dad!" I exclaimed. I quickly grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the house.

"That was awkward." Harry stated, walking towards his car. We got in his car and drove to the movies. When we got out of his car I got a text.

From: Dad

I want to get to know Harry better. Invite him to dinner tomorrow and I'll tell if I want you with him or not.

I quickly texted a 'okay' and went to buy the tickets.

"What movie?" Harry asked while looking at the movies listed.

"Let's watch The Heat!" I exclaimed. We got to the front where Harry bought our tickets. Harry grabbed my hand a led me to the concession stand where he bought a pop corn and two drinks. He led me to the theatre where we sat down in the back corner.

"Harry, me dad wants you to come to have dinner with us tomorrow...?" I told him, well asked mostly.

"Sure. But isn't tomorrow like the first day of school or something?" Harry asked. I don't know. Is summer over already? That SUCKS!

"Yeah. I think so." I replied. "Wait! Do you go to my school?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. I'm in that group that everyone is scared of so most people try to stay away from us. I kind of the leader." Harry answered. I made an O shape with my mouth, showing I understand. He is right, everyone is afraid of that group. All my friends and I stay as far away as we can from them. I never really look at them because I don't want to be noticed. OMG that probably means all the other guys go to my school too. That's awesome!

"Do you think we'll have classes together?" I asked, looking over at Harry. "Oh my nuggets! Your the guy that totally messed up, my friend, Miranda's life. She moved because of you!" I yelled.

"Your friends with Miranda?" Harry asked. I nodded. "Oh. Well sorry?" Harry stated shrugging.

"It's okay because she said she's coming back anyway." I replied, smirking.

"What?!?" Harry exclaimed right before the movie started.

*************After movie************

Harry and I quickly made our way out of the movie theatre. Harry seemed like he was in deep thought. I'm guessing because Miranda is coming back, but that's just my guess.

Harry drove me back to my house where we said goodbye, for the night. He gave my a quick kiss then left me. I hate to admit it, but when his not around I'm lonely. I mean he just left a couple seconds ago but I feel alone. It's weird.

I ran upstairs and got ready for bed. When I was ready to sleep, I realized it was only 8 o'clock. I'm really tired though. I'll just get extra sleep. A lot of stuff happened today. My phone buzzed, signaling I got a text.

From: Miranda

So your dating Harry now? See you tomorrow.

What the fuck does that mean?

~~~~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~~~~

🍩that's all I have to say


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