Chapter 31: The Letter

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***Jenny's p.o.v. 3 months later

It's been three months since I lost Harry and really myself. Everyone says I'm not how I used to be after Harry died but I don't know how to be. I lost the only thing that has kept me sane for those months we were together.

Cole has been a great help to me since Harry left. Cole let me move into his apartment and has tried to keep me from staying in my room for the rest of my life. They only thing that scares me about is that Cole told me he loves the other day. But I don't think I'm ready to love someone else. I know what Harry said, "find someone else to make you happy" but no one can make me as happy as he did.

Today we're, Cole, Zayn, Loui, Liam, Niall, and I, are cleaning out Harry's house. Apparently they are selling it to a couple that just had their first child. So this will be my last time in this house that holds so many memories.

"Jenny you can clean out the nightstand and I'll get the dressers." Niall said softly. Ever since Harry died they all talk to me with such caution, I hate it.

"Yeah, sure." I muttered back walking over to the nightstand. I opened the top drawer and the first thing I saw was a gun. I'm not surprised. "Niall?"

"What is it?" I picked it up and held it towards him as he laughed a bit. "Can say he wasn't prepared for anything." Niall laughed. I started laughing with him but I wasn't the same.

"Niall, do you think things will ever go back to normal?" I asked looking over at him.

"No. We all just need to learn how to live without him." Niall replied smiling sadly. I smiled sadly back at him before nodding and looking back at the drawer. I picked up a box of condoms, a knife, and a bunch of random things. I looked at the bottom and found and envelop with 'Dear Jenny' on it. I quickly opened it and found a letter from Harry.

Dear Jenny,

Incase I don't make it I want you to know I love you. You were worth dying for. I know your probably having a really hard time right now but you'll be okay after a while. Jenny, I'm so sorry for leaving you. Your everything I ever wanted and more. We could've been happy together but my past got in the way of our future. Just know I am always with you and will never really leave you. I love you too much to leave you. I need you to move on for me, please. I know your really sad and miss me but I want you to be happy again. Don't change. Please don't change. Stay your giggley cute self forever so I can watch you and smile. Can you tell they boys something for me? Tell them that I miss them and I love them like my brothers. Tell them thank you for always being there to pick up the pieces after I did something terrible. And tell them to take care of you for me. I love you, forever and always.

Forever yours, Harry

P.S. I know that someone is probably moving into my house but make sure it's a family. I am quite fond of this place. Love you, babe.

"Niall!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Niall asked as he turned around. He looked down at the paper in my hands with confusion. "What's that?" He questioned walking over to me.

"A letter from Harry." I replied.

"Can I read it?" He asked as I nodded and handed it to him. I walked out of the room and found the others.

"What is it, Jenny?" Liam asked as I pulled him into Harry's bedroom.

"He wrote a letter before he died." I answered as they piled around Niall to read it.

"Gosh, he loved you a lot. You don't even know how much he loved you." Loui stated sadly.

"Yes I do. I love him as much as he loves me." I started. "Loved. As much as he loved me." I corrected.

"Man, I miss him." Zayn muttered.

"Jenny you never told us how he died." Liam randomly said.

"Well after the windows broke Harry cut the ropes so I could get out then Chase came up to us. Harry just punched him then told me to run and he was running behind me. Then I heard a gun shot and looked behind me and he was bleeding from his back and chest. He fell to his knees and started falling to the ground but I caught him. He told me it was okay as I started crying the told me he loves me and closed his eyes." I explained.

"That's rough." Niall whispered.

"Yeah but you guys don't need to be so soft around me all the time." I stated.

"We're trying not to but we're also trying not to upset you." Liam replied.

"I know but it's been a few months don't you think we all should move on?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it's easier said then done. I mean your gonna have a harder time then us." Loui answered. Liam came up and hugged me as I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

"You'll be fine. I know you'll figure it out." Liam whispered to me as I nodded.

***a few hours later

"Jenny, what do you wanna do? Do you want to go home or go do something." Cole asked as we pulled away from Harry's house for the last time.

"Can we just go home?" I replied.

"Yeah, whatever you want." Cole answered.

Once we got home I went to my room and kept rereading the letter over and over. I've red it so much I memorized. In my head I hear Harry's beautiful voice saying all this to me. I wish it was him here saying this to me.

"Jenny?" Cole whispered as he walked into my room.


"Can I come in?" I nodded as he walked in. "Why are you crying?"

"I didn't know I was crying."

"The letter is making you think of him, right?" I nodded.

"I don't know how to move on and be happy again, Cole! I can't move on. I'm trying so hard but I can't." I exclaimed.

"Jenny don't you see it. I'm trying to make you happy. I can make you so happy but you don't give me the chance! I'm in love with you and you won't even give me time of the day! It kills me." Cole yelled.

"Come here." I instructed as he sat of the edge of my bed. I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Does that mean your gonna give me a chance?" Cole asked pulling away a little.

"Yeah, I'll give you a chance." I replied smiling at him.


So Cole and Jenny😂


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