Chapter 35: Missing Cole

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2 Weeks after Coles Death

***Jennys p.o.v.

Today was the day of Coles funereal. I found out he wrecked his car and died a day after his crash. I know this is my fault. He loved me and all I did was trade him in for Harry. I really did love Cole. I just love Harry more and always have.

"Jenny, we better get going." Alex whispered as I sat on Zayn's couch. I haven't talked much since I found out and everyone knows why. They always say stuff like 'don't blame yourself' or 'it wasn't your fault' but even the police report says "appeared to be distracted and angry as he sped down the highway".

"Come on, Jenny." Harry muttered as I got up. I walked past everyone and sat in the back of the car for awhile. We drove for ten minutes in awkward silence. You could tell someone wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. As Zayn parked at the church I felt myself start to tear up. I quickly got out and looked around at all the sad faces.

"Jenny." Coles mom spoke at the entrance of the church.

"Hi Mrs.Johnson sorry for your lose." I quietly replied, looking down in shame.

"Thank you. It's nice to see you here. I'm sure he would've been extremely happy to see. You guys have been best friends since you we're three." She spoke sadly as I nodded. "Please, go inside and take a seat." she continued as I did what I was told. I sat toward the front where I could easily see his lifeless body. I stared at him while Harry stared at me. I looked away as I felt tears fill my eyes.

"Good morning everyone. We are here to day to celebrate the short but full life of Cole Johnson. Everyone takes death as a terribly sad thing nowadays. But I reality if is a magically beautiful thing. Everyone please join me in prayer. Lord Jesus please bless the soul of Cole and let him know everyone here loves him. We know you do everything for a reason and we give you the glory. In Jesus' name, amen." I lifted my head from prayer and looked at the pastor. "Coles dad would like to say a few words. So let's give him to floor. Mr. Johnson." Mr. Johnson walked up to the stand and looked over the crowd.

"I can't believe Cole is gone. Cole was never the best son but he always put everyone that he loved in front of himself. I remember once I got a call from his 3rd grade teacher because he punched a kid. When I asked him about it he said 'I hit him because he was making fun of my friend because she was wearing classes. You shouldn't do that, dad. That's rude.'." I laughed at that story cause I was the friend. I remember that day so clearly. My mom, dad, and I had just moved to a new town and I was going to a new school. I was so nervous. I thought I wouldn't be able to make any friends but I was wrong. When I first got there the teacher placed me in a pair next to Cole and we quickly started talking.

"Jenny." Harry whispered getting me out of my thoughts.


"Jenny, please come up here and say a few words." Mr. Johnson said from the stand. I froze after I heard that. He nodded at me encouragingly after my feet took over. I quietly walked up to the stand as I looked down at Cole. I looked around at everyone then looked back at Cole.

"I don't really know what to say." I started as a tear left my eyes."I never expected Cole to leave me this quickly. We've been best friends since the 3rd grade. I was the girl he punched the bully for, if you didn't figure that out. I remember when I first met Cole. He was so nice and from the first time he talked to him I knew we were gonna be best friends. Cole, I love you and I'm sorry I didn't see all the things you've done for me until now. I won't forget you and I will always treasure the days we had together." I spoke with streams of tears leaving my eyes.

"Tell us a story with you and Cole!" Harry yelled from the crowd as I laughed a bit.

"Um... Oh one time we went to a high school football game with a few friends. There was a bunch of guys around where we sat. And I got really hungry but I was too lazy so Cole went to go get food for me and while he was gone the guys started messing with me. When he came back up he looked up at them and said 'if you don't leave her alone I'll do my best to try to kick all of you asses'. After they left I asked why he said he would try to beat them up and he said 'I knew I couldn't kick all of their asses.'" I spoke as everyone laughed. I walked away from and sat back in my seat.

"Thanks Jenny for sharing. We would like everyone to look at the screen for a slideshow of Coles life before leaving. After that anyone who wants to follow to the graveyard is welcome to follow the line of cars." I pastor said in closing as the slideshow began. The music was Don't take the Girl by Tim McGraw, his favorite song.The first picture was Cole smiling from what looked like a couple weeks ago. Then there was us from the third grade then him as a baby, then a toddler. They showed a fifth grade Cole then and 7th grade Cole with his parents. The showed the picture of us from eighth grade formal when I was his date then a freshman Cole with me and Alex photobombing him making funny faces. They had a picture from the day before he left for that time. I was smiling at the camera with my arms around his waist as he held me close around my neck and stared down at me. It skipped his junior and senior year when he was gone the pick back up with a picture of him and his mom. They put a picture of Cole and David then finished the slideshow with the picture we took on the board walk the day he died. I smiled as the the music faded and everyone started to get up. I slowly got up and felt three pairs of eyes on me as I walked up to Coles body.

"I'm sorry Cole. I know you were thinking about me when you crashed and I knew you shouldn't have left that night. I wish things could've worked out differently. You were honestly the best friend I could've ever asked for and so much more. You were always there for me and the one time you needed me I let you down. I miss you so much already. I love you." I whispered as tears left my eyes. I turned around and walked towards the door. Before I had time to process anything the were putting Cole into the ground. Everyone started walking away as I sat and watched them lower him into the ground. I watched as he finally reached the ground and they were about to put the dirt on top if him.

"Would you like to say any last words?" one of the men asked. I stood up and grabbed a flower out of one of his lines of flowers.

"I love you, Cole. See you later." I said before kissing the flower and throwing it in his grave. I turned around and walked away as I heard the dirt start to hit his coffin.

***Coles p.o.v.

I've been watching Jenny all day today. I miss her so much already. I miss her touch, her kiss, her laugh, everything. I watched as she said her last words to me.

"I love you, Cole. See you later." She spoke with a crock. I knew she's been crying and blaming herself but it's not her fault. I knew what was going to happen.

"I love you too, Jenny. Don't forget that." I said as she turned around, trying to find me.

"Cole? If it's really you, I'm sorry." Jenny said quickly.

"I know. I don't blame you. I'll see you later." I said before turning around and walking away from her. I saw a bright light shine before I turned around. Jenny was smiling, looking at the light. I walked into it and felt nothing but happiness.

"See you later." Jenny whispered just before I couldn't see her anymore.

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