Chapter 28: They took Jenny

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***Harrys p.o.v.

Jenny and I have decided to go somewhere to eat since we've been at this house all day. Now I was driving to a small café on the outskirts of the city only about five minutes from the house. I pulled into the parking lot and quickly parked relatively close to the entrance. Jenny quickly jumped out and waited at the front of the car for me. I took out the keys and jumped out, making sure to take my time.

"Harry! Hurry up I'm hungry!" Jenny exclamined as I laughed and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand lacing our fingers as she started walking into the café.

"Hi, how may I help you?" We were asked as we walked inside.

"Table for two please." I replied. She grabbed our menus and led us to our table then left. Jenny quitley started looking through the menu when I spotted someone I recognized.

"I want a chicken wrap." Jenny randomly stated.

"Um... Okay Imma get the turkey club." I replied smiling at her. She started looking around and I got more nervous.

"So how did you find this place?" she asked. She turned around to face me just before she would've seen his face.

"I heard about it from Liam." I answered as she nodded and smiled.

"I'm John. What wouuld you like to drink?" the waiter asked only looking at his writing pad.

"Root beer please." Jenny stated.

"Pepsi." I don't like this guy. "I want a turkey club and she wants a chicken wrap." Come on lets speed this along.

"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks and orders soon." Good. He looked up at us for the first time then walked away.

"I don't like him." I muttered as Jenny laughed.

"You never like any of our waiters." she laughed.

"Maybe because all the waiters in the world suck. Only waitresses are okay." I stated. I smirked as i watched her smile fade.

"Well thats nice." she muttered under her breath.

"I'm kinding, I love y-"

"Jenny! Is that you?" Shit. She turned around and her smile widened once again.

"Cole? I haven't seen you in ages!" Jenny exclaimed, getting up to hug him. "Who are you here with? You should sit with us for awhile. " No he shouldn't. This is the exact reason why I wanted to speed things up.

"I'm here with David but I'm sure he won't mind me staying with you for a little." Fucking Cole. He slide into a chair next to Jenny as she smiled at him. The waiter came back with our drinks and food then quickly left.

***1 hour later

Great, they are giving me a fucking headache. Great job Cole, way to steal her attention. I'm done with this shit.

"Jenny I think we should start our drive home." I stated as she nodded and got up. She hugged Cole as they exchanged goodbyes. I grabbed her hand and led her to the car where we both got in. I started the car then quicly pulled out of there and got on the road back home. After about five minutes of driving while Jenny sang along to the random song on the radio we reached the crossroad afew minutes from my house. I saw another car stop on the other side of the road and suddenly got a bad feeling.



"I love you." I stated before speeding a quick left turn before feeling something slam into the side of the car. I heard a loud scream come from Jenny as we flipped over. Well I guess trying to run away didn't work. Probably because I drove right in front of them but that was the way to my house. Why am I thinking so much? We're fucking flipping through the air. "JENNY!!!"I yelled out to her until we finally hit the ground. I hit my head against the steering wheel but never let myself go under. I reached her hand but she was still. No. No! NO!! She better not be dead.

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