Chapter 15: She'll be Gone

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~~~~~~~~~Jenny's p.o.v.~~~~~~~~

This movie is crazy and I can't handle it. Harry has been laughing at me the whole time because I've been jumping randomly and hiding my face in his chest. After the movie ended I felt a wave of relief wash over me as we got up.

"Oh my god! I made it through, I thought I was gonna die." I exclaimed.

"I won't let anything hurt you." Harry replied.

"Yeah, but you can't protect me from demons." I remarked.

"JENNY!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw Jeremy running up to Harry and I.

"Hey, I wanted to say I was sorry for being a jerk to you when we were together and after. I know you probably won't forgive me but I still wanted to say I'm sorry." Jeremy stated looking at me for a reaction. I just stared at him in amazement. Where did that come from?

"Umm... it's okay, I guess." I replied. I turned around and started walking away.

"Jenny could we like start hanging out again." Jeremy asked as I turned around again.

"Sure. Just text me..." I started when Harry picked me up while I giggled.

"Do you really want to go to the party tonight?" Harry whined as he put me down in the car.

"Yeah! I'm losing my image." I exclaimed.

"Image? What would that image be?" Harry asked smirking up at me.

"They call me the party princess. The p.p. homie." I answered, trying not to laugh while Harry laughed hysterically.

"Well miss Party Princess where to next?" Harry asked smiling brightly, showing me his beautiful dimples. I shrugged and looked at the time. It's only 3 in the afternoon and good parties start at like 6-8ish.

"We should get lunch then some ice cream. after. That I don't know what to do." I replied.

"Let's go eat downtown and look at all the little shops and stuff." Harry suggested while I nodded. Harry closed my door then walked around the front and got into the drivers seat. He pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the radio while I looked out the window.

I lightly hummed to the random songs coming on while watching every building pass by my window. Harry pulled into a parking garage and we got out.

"Where do you wanna eat, babe?" Harry asked, grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I don't care really. I'm just hungry." I replied.

"We should go to that new place where they cook in front of you." Harry replied as he started walking and I quickly pulled me with him.

"But isn't that place really expensive?" I asked, earning a chuckle from Harry. We continued to walk down on the sidewalks of downtown until we got to food place, it's something Korean I don't really know how to say that. We were sat down pretty quickly and I started looking through my menu. All the prices were crazy, so I decided on the cheapest think which is teriyaki chicken with noddles.

"Hi, I'm Sammy. I will be assisting your cook today. What you like to drink?" Sammy exclaimed, surprising me.

"I'll have Pepsi and she'll have Dr. Pepper, right?" Harry replied looking down at me, I nodded. Aww, he knows me so well. Sammy walked away but soon came back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" Sammy asked.

"Yes, I'll have the teriyaki chicken with noddles." Harry replied.

"Same." I stated when Sammy looked over at me. Harry and I sat there for a while just laughing at how stupid we are. The guy came and started cooking our meals, making it a amusing show.

~~~~~~~~Jeremy's p.o.v.~~~~~~~~

I watched as Jenny and Harry ate their food. They don't know but I'm always watching, we are trying to take Harry and his gang down. We already know how to take that gang down, break their leader. To break Harry we need to take Jenny away from him and leave him with nothing. I'm always watching, in order to get information on the perfect time to make our move. Were gonna make our move when they least except it. Look out Harry, enjoy your last few months together cause soon she'll be gone.

~~~~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~~~~

🍩that's all I have to say


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