"I look so pretty in the dark"

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  As a ballet dancer, I am in front of full length mirrors for six hours or more hours .  I doubt that any ballerina has never at one point been annoyed with at least one aspect, or more of their body. 
  I have to regularly remind myself that God created me perfectly.
  Now, I am going to tell you a little story about something that happened yesterday at ballet.
  There are a couple of the girls who are going to audition for a summer intensive program. 
  As I was walking past the smaller studio, I noticed two girls in there in the dark.
  The girls are two of my best friends and much better dancers than I am. 
  Yet, there they are, in the dark, with brand new pointe shoes, black leotards and pink tights.  
  "I look so pretty in the dark."  My friend Em says.
  My heart drops and as my friends start talking about how pretty and professional they look in the dark.
  They then talk about how they want their legs to go higher and would rather have the pictures taken for the audition taken in the dark.
  Em is the most gorgeous girl, she has this lovely blonde curly hair, fair skin and blue eyes.  She is one of the sweetest girls I know.
  Then there's sweet Jewels (neither of their names are their actual ones) she has lovely brown hair and eyes.  She has this bouncy and real fun personality. 
  As they were criticizing themselves and I didn't know what to say.  These girls are so beautiful inside and out.  I have just been praying for them that God will tell them that he loves them for who they are and that they are absolutely flawless.  :D

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