The dreaded cast list

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  This picture is one of an old cast list by the way. 
  About four years ago, I saw the worst cast list.  I remember getting to the studio and all the girls were crowding around the list.  I nervously went to see the list.
  I had one role I liked and the other role I had I had for three years in a row.  It was the only role that I didn't want. 
  I was so emotional that I went into the bathroom and cried.  After I got out of the bathroom, a couple of the girls tried to comfort me but it didn't really work. 
  That was the year that I had to grit my teeth and work through it.  I already knew the dance so it was pretty easy. Yet, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and the next year I got a better role.  Even though things may sometimes not look good, with God's help you can get through whatever you are facing.

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