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  This week has been so tiring.  I have had a total of ten hours of ballet in only four days.  So excuse my not updating as of late.  Anyways, it has been an exhausting week and I have been able to shake off most of my rust.  I was pretty successful so far.  Although one problem, my turns have not been on pointe.  Literally, I have had a lot of trouble landing and it was not my fault entirely.  You see, the floor upstairs is new and well, it has yet to be broken in.  So I had trouble with my turns and so did most girls.  Also, all of us girls ended up getting black marks all over our tights so we all looked a bit weird.  But that's ok, because we all looked weird together.  It was great to see all of my ballet friends again and chat and catch up with them.  One of the girls in particular had dyed her hair and it was now throughly light blonde with blue tips.  Anyways, have a great day everyone and just keep dancing!!! ~Mia

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