Wisdom teeth and Ballet?

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  So, this morning I went to my oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out.  I am currently curled up in a warm fuzzy blanket.  Now, I'm sure you're wondering what that has to do with ballet.  Don't worry, just give me a second and I'll explain.  They had an iv in me and were monitoring my heartbeat and blood pressure and they were going to put me under.  The doctor then asked me about ballet and I started rambling on and on about ballet.  I then mentally thought about my pointe shoes and was literally telling myself, 'Bloch split sole S0172 leather backing.'  I then was mentally visualizing were I need to put my elastics and ribbons.  Anyway, I'm in quite a bit of pain right now and I have an ice pack on my face and I look as pale as a ghost because I haven't eaten or drank much in the last almost twenty four hours.  So, I would appreciate prayers!

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