Cross-Fit Training

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  I have a couple more weeks before ballet starts back up again.  So, I have had to try my best to stay fit by doing random burpees, biking, walking the dog and spontaneously slipping down into the splits. 

The splits thing I really need to work on.  I really have weird moments when I think, "I wonder how far my splits are today."  Then the reasonable part of my brain kicks in reminding me I'm in a public place.  Most of the time, I go with the reasonable part of me, sometimes, I don't. 

  Anyway, staying motivated is hard and often times I have to set a time frame for myself to get things done.  It really helps that I have to walk my dog in the evenings and because he has a lot of energy, he needs to be walked at the very least, a mile.

  It is very important to stay fit and I have to admit, having VBC (Vacation Bible Camp) last week really helped.  It helped me stay fit because I teach the music there which has dancing.  While the dancing is not even close to as hard as ballet, it is still dancing and it tires me out.  Especially seeing as my partner and I were teaching for about and hour and forty five minutes with minimal breaks.  It also helped my performance skills because twice a day I had to lead over two hundred and fifty kids in a song.  I could not get cold feet.  Anyway, it was a blast and I hope you are having a great day and just keep dancing!!  ~Mia

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