The Pretty Boy

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My first Boyxboy story if you do not like the genre i suggest you run away now because future chapters will get very graphcal,

The awesome picture (my former book cover) on the side was done by was done by thunderheart15, thank you so much ! XD

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His New Toy

The Pretty Boy

[Max's POV]

"Honey I hope you're ready" My mum yelled from downstairs

I groaned as I pulled the covers over my head, I really wasn't ready I was starting at a new school...again

My mum started screaming from downstairs I had to cover my ears it was making them bleed "Max! I don't hear the shower running!" I swear to God that woman gets weirder and weirder with each passing day.

"WOMAN!! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" My father's voice bellowed through the house, he's a quiet man but do not wake him up when he's sleeping...unless you're suicidal. I chuckled as I let myself out of my bed and took a shower. I let the hot water run over my body as I traced the bruises on my body I sighed as I counted them 13 and still counting. I always took a shower when I was stressed out or angry it was like washing away my problems but now I would be reminded of them. After 10 minutes I got out and got dressed then dragged myself downstairs.

My Mum looked at me and squealed "You look so adorable baby! Let me get my camera!"

"No mom, please" what is wrong with this woman I mean it's not like I'm wearing a school uniform just in my normal clothing"

She sighed as she walked towards me and pinched my cheeks "God has truly blessed me with such a beautiful baby"

"Mom...I'm 17" I gave a blank stare, I know what you're thinking "he must be an only child" nope I have a little sister who's ten and she's pretty cute as well. "Then he must be sick" wrong again, I have no ailments...I'm just cute yes I said it I'm cute, adorable however you want to put it. Not hot but beautiful and to be frank I hate it.

It's nice on girls...not so much on guys; I attract the wrong kind of attention.

It's what got me kicked out of my last school. I went to Richmond High School; my parents literally broke the bank paying to get me into that school. It had the uniform, great staff, and education but I could never really focus; if a girl wasn't running her fingers through my hair, they were stroking my cheek texting me or touching me; at lunch I would be surrounded by them, it's not like I didn't enjoy the attention but I had no guys friends...not one and well this caused a lot of tension; if you wanted to find me I would be at the nurses office- getting bandages, ice packs or stitches for being beaten up because they thought I was gay or a guy would try...try and take advantage of me; none have succeeded though thank God.

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