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New Chapter of His New Toy

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His new toy


[Max's POV]

“So I've been thinking for it quite for quite a while now and I've come to the reasonable conclusion: I'm a Homosexual.”

Maddie choked on her drink and started coughing and laughing uncontrollably. I stared at her amusingly as she struggled for air for about 5 minutes.

“Okay, okay I’m good” she sighed before continuing “now…what did you just say?” she tried to look serious but you could see the smirk trying to make an appearance.

I shrugged sheepishly “I’m Gay” I muttered

“Wow” she whispered at she shook her head in disbelief, her already huge eyes starting bulging even more and it was slowly but surely starting to freak me out. “How did you figure that out?”

“A stranger I met today”

“Is that why you so were late today? I’ve never seen mom so worried before, to be honest it was quite funny”

“Not really” I rolled my eyes at her; we were both huddled in the corner of my room. She came to comfort me after I got a whole load of screaming thrown at me from my mom, my dad just sat on the sofa reading a newspaper like he didn’t have a care in the world.

She laughed quietly and continued “So tell me about this stranger”

“I don’t know anything about him, just his name; Chris”

“Wow…how mysterious”

“Not really, he’s picking me up from school tomorrow”

“Oh” we both giggled at her disappointment, it came to abrupt stop when I started to sneeze violently. “Oh Max, you should really get out of those wet clothes”

“Yeah you’re right” we both stood up and she headed for the door “Uhm Maddie?”

She had opened the door but waited for what I had to say next. “So…you don’t have any problems with me being…you know…gay?”

She looked at me sincerely “Max, I love you no matter what, whether your gay, bisexual, heterosexual or whatever” I smiled back at her, I did truly love my sister even if she was way younger than me, at heart she’s always been my older sister.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now