Did I Get Drunk?

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Sorry for the late upload, I'm moving houses and i'm being swamped with homework so its been kinda hectic. Not a very long one but i promise next chapter will be

oh yeah another thing. I miscalculated my chapters the Goth Kid isn't in this chapter but he will be in the next one.

Don't forget to vote, comment and Enjoy

Biscuit xxx

His New Toy

Did I Get Drunk?

[Chris’ POV]

I sat crossed legged on the floor as I stared intently at his lifeless body on my bed, he was still in his boxers lying on his side, in the foetus position with his arm lifelessly hanging off the bed, his skin was so pale it looked translucent, his bangs fell over his eyes but I would imagine they were closed. His small plump lips had lost its moisture and colour, it was now a pale and ghostly pink, but it still looked incredibly inviting. He was truly indeed a beautiful boy. I sometimes wonder why he agreed to go out with someone like me. I touched his pale face; his skin felt colder.

He's been like that for two days now.

I was awoken from my trance when his phone went off again; I dug it out of my pocket.

Surprise, surprise it was Erick again. I just left it to ring as I continued gazing at my boyfriend. I checked his pulse again like I have been for the past 48 hours, I couldn’t feel anything

He was dead; I didn’t think he would lose that much blood

 But yesterday I was sure I could feel a pulse, so now I'm not sure whether to leave him or dump his body somewhere.

‘You should probably take him to a hospital ‘


I chuckled softly at my own thoughts “That was nice of me” I mumbled softly to myself but I wasn’t an idiot he was going to stay here or sleep in a ditch somewhere

Taking another glance at Max’s Phone, the phone had come up with a new set of record numbers:

267 Missed Calls

105 Voice mails

94 Text messages

Scrolling through the missed calls most of them seemed to be from his Erick with His mom coming in second place and then Darren in third. I didn’t even bother going through the voicemails it was too many to go through so instead I skimmed through the text messages. His mum didn’t leave any, Darren was going on how it’s becoming difficult to cover for him, and Erick was going on about how he needs to come back. I was about to turn off his phone when a new text came in, it was from his sister. Opening it said

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