Just listen to me

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New Installation of His new Toy, i wasnt happy with the number of votes i got last chapter and i really want to know your thoughts

so please vote comment and enjoy!

Biscuit xxx

His new Toy

Just Listen to me

Waving as Chris drove away, I walked cautiously to my house it was 11pm and to be quite frank I’m never out this late, I turned off my phone from the moment we left the school because I knew I would be bombarded with texts messages and calls from Erick, as I walked closer to my house I noticed all the lights were off except for the living room downstairs and my room which was upstairs, I knew my dad wouldn’t care but my mum is so certain that I could be attacked by old men that I have to be home by 8:30 every night even when I’m on dates, she's so annoying.

Opening my door cautiously I stepped in quietly only to bump into my mom who was standing right by the front door.

“And where have you been?” my mom stood there impatiently, arms crossed and foot tapping on the marble floor impatiently

“I w...was with a friend”

“What friend?”

“His name is Chris; he's from the other side of town”

My mom’s face to a state of shock and confusion “How do you know anyone from that side?”

“I met him on the day I came home, soaking wet”

“Do you know how worried I was?! I couldn’t even get you on your phone”

“I err...turned it off”

My mum had a weird look in her eye which always made me nervous; my dad and I especially avoided her when she was like this. Speaking of my dad he was on his way upstairs not even passing us a glance

Mum had seemed to notice and turned her back to me to look at my dad “Sam aren't you going to say something?!”

My dad sighed and turned around “Like what my dear?”

“Well I don’t know anything?! He was out by 2 and a half hours after his curfew!”

Sighing again my dad began “Darling you have to understand the boy is 17, he should be allowed to come home late” facing back to me she responded

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now