You're Mine Now

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This Chapter totally gets graphic!

Another awesome picture by thunderheart15

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Biscuit xx

 His New Toy

You're Mine Now

The English lesson was enjoyable I sat in the desk in front of Erick so I didn't have to see him but it didn't mean I couldn't feel his eyes burning into my back, I ignored it I won't fall victim to any ones abuse I may have a soft face doesn't mean I couldn't fight. When the bell rang I wanted to run straight to my next lesson but I couldn't I didn't bring my P.E kit I didn't think they would actually give me P.E on my first day. I dodged Erick's devious stares and walked towards Darren.

"Hey Darren"

"Max" he smiled at me then turned back to putting his books in his back in his bag

"Will he hurt me?"


I sighed impatiently "Erick"

" he won't he just watches his victims for like a week or two before he goes into action"

I sighed in relief; I had at least 7 days to come up with a plan

"Don't worry I would have dealt with him by the time he even thinks about doing anything"

"Thank you" I smiled gratefully, he smiled back

"I have P.E next"

"Indeed you do" he chuckled, he probably thought I was crazy

"I didn't bring my kit"

"Oh I see, well I have a spare kit in my locker, it's clean. Make sure you wash it and return it to me"

"Okay, thanks a lot" by now the class was empty; me and Darren walked out and headed to his locker.

"Okay so the gym is that way but my locker is in the opposite direction so you're gonna have to jog back and quickly change"

"Okay thanks" I hated being late but beggars can't be choosers.

"So who's your teacher?"

"Uhm...Mr...Mr Smith"

Darren seemed to be in thought for a while "Ok"

After 5 minutes we ended up at his locker

"Here you go" Darren handed me his kit; I have History next so I'll see you later.

His New Toy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now